Sponsored: How much protein should I be getting in one day?

There is not necessarily an easy answer to this since protein needs depend on a few factors like:
age, weight, muscle mass, activity level and in some cases, diseases, or illnesses. Most American get enough protein each day, we just tend to eat it all at lunch or dinner when we should be spreading it out throughout the day.
If you consume more protein than your body needs, whether from food or protein supplements or powders, you are also consuming more calories than you need. An excess amount of calories will result in weight gain or difficulty losing weight. While we may tend to think of red meat in relation to protein; protein can be found in many foods like animal-based foods (meat, poultry, eggs, dairy products), seafood, beans, nuts, seeds, tofu, nut butters and even many grains are a good source of protein.
For more information on protein needs:
Are you getting too much protein?
- Mayo Clinic Health System
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Leah McGrath, RDN, LDN
Ingles Markets Corporate Dietitian