Sponsored: Picky Eaters: When Should You Be Concerned?

Children often go through phases of refusing certain foods or only wanting to eat specific foods; this can be a normal part of their development.
However, this doesn’t mean this type of behavior should be completely ignored, especially if it goes on for months. What are some signs and symptoms that a child may be experienced disordered eating and not just be a “picky eater”?:
• Your child seems anxious or distressed about the prospect of eating certain foods
• Your child exhibits or verbalizes concerns about food making them choke or feel sick.
• Your child is not meeting expected growth or is losing weight or is not meeting expected developmental milestones.
• The number of foods that your child will eat continues to decrease to the point that there are only a few foods they will eat.
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If you have concerns about your child’s eating habits, it’s important to let your pediatrician know to make sure your child is healthy and is not exhibiting signs of an eating disorder. For more information on eating disorders in children please see: https://www.nationaleatingdisorders.org/help-support/contact-helpline
Leah McGrath, RDN, LDN
Ingles Markets Corporate Dietitian