Sponsored: Don't feel like cooking? You still have meal options!

Question: My mother is in her 80’s and lives alone. While generally she is very healthy and active, I worry about her eating habits, especially on days where she may not feel well.
Do you have any suggestions for food I could buy for her when she doesn’t feel like cooking?
Answer: It’s great that your mother is living independently. Making it easy for her to get the food and nutrition she needs when she doesn’t feel like cooking IS very important. Some things that you could make sure she has on hand for those days:
• Shelf stable milk in UHT packaging
• Frozen meals (pick ones that are lower in sodium and fat)
• Meal replacement beverages like Boost or Ensure
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• Frozen fruit and vegetables, especially ones in individual servings.
• Canned fruits, vegetables, soups and meats (like tuna)
• Individual cans or boxes of 100% juice
Of course, it’s also important to make sure to check on our older friends, relatives and neighbors. Food can only nourish and provide nutrition if it gets eaten!
Leah McGrath, RDN, LDN
Ingles Markets Corporate Dietitian