Partner content: 6 Ways to Save on Your Grocery Bill at Ingles Markets

1. Get an Ingles Advantage card. This helps you save every time you buy groceries. You’ll also have fuel points loaded to your card from your grocery trip and by filling prescriptions at your Ingles Pharmacy and this saves when fueling up at Ingles Fuel Centers.
2. Sign up for AdvantagEmail. A weekly email will notify you of savings and deals loaded directly to your Advantage card.
3. Try our store brand products: Laura Lynn and Harvest Farms to save over name-brand products.
4. Check the shelf tag and compare products based on the UNIT PRICE.
5. Buy fruits and vegetables in season in the Ingles Produce section and look for deals on fresh and frozen vegetables to stock your freezer and pantry.
6. Look for deals on roasts and larger cuts of meat and whole poultry and fish in your Ingles Meat and Seafood Department that can be used for ‘cook once/eat twice’ meals.
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Leah McGrath, RDN, LDN
Ingles Markets Corporate Dietitian