‘The Red Mill Bookstore’
Author Lin Stepp will host a special book reading for her latest novel, “The Red Mill Bookstore,” at 2 p.m. Friday, March 21, at Blue Ridge Books in Waynesville.
Blue Ridge Books poetry reading
Wayne Caldwell will present his latest work, “River Road,” at 1 p.m. Saturday, Dec. 7, at Blue Ridge Books in Waynesville.
Here’s to inspiration?
“What are you reading after the election?” a friend asked me last week. She asked me because she had picked a book specifically for the occasion. She was reading “Democracy in America.”
“De Tocqueville?”
“Yes,” she said. “When I had to read it for school it was boring. It’s not boring now.”
Will you ‘Bee the Change’?
Author John Kotab will present his latest book, “Bee the Change: If We Protect, Nature Will Provide,” at 1 p.m. Saturday, June 15, at Blue Ridge Books in Waynesville.
Blue Ridge Books welcomes Hall
Author Tiffany Hall will present her new book, “Bigger,” at 1 p.m. Saturday, April 20, at Blue Ridge Books in Waynesville.
‘The Midnight Post and the Postbox Clock’
Author Sarah Dean will host a special reading and signing from 1-3 p.m. Saturday, April 13, at Blue Ridge Books in Waynesville.
We’re the lucky ones; we live here
As I think ahead to 2024, I can’t help but feel so lucky to live here, in these mountains.
Frozen: A review of ‘The Memoirs of Stockholm Sven’
One way to enjoy winter is to read about someone who lives north of the Arctic Circle. It’s never going to be that cold here, is the idea.
Blue Ridge Books celebrates 15 years
In this day and age of Amazon, Kindles, big box bookstores, streaming services and social media that fight for more of our attention everyday, local, independent bookstores are in constant competition with these heavy hitters. And yet, those like Blue Ridge Books seem to weather it all. So what’s the secret?
Blue Ridge Books Celebrates 15 Years
In this day and age of Amazon, Kindles, big box bookstores, streaming services and social media that fight for more of our attention everyday; local, independent bookstores are in constant competition with these heavy hitters. And yet, those like Blue Ridge Books seem resilient to it all. What’s the secret?