Is our therapeutic culture damaging children?
Search online for “are more teens today suffering emotional problems,” and a boatload of websites pop to your command. Explore a few of these sites, and you’ll find psychologists and counselors of all kinds writing about the mental and emotional stresses faced by 21st century teens; 32% of these young people, for example, have an anxiety disorder, and 1 in 5 experience depression.
HCS mental health services report
Haywood County Schools has increased the number of people it employs to care for and monitor students’ mental health this year, largely due to increased funding from the county commission that allowed for additional school resource officers.
Expanded business counseling offered at HCC
The Haywood Community College Small Business Center has announced an expansion in business services. Beginning June 1, the SBC will begin offering free expanded counseling services to Haywood County small business owners affected by the COVID-19 health crisis.