Sponsored: Caution with supplements
Often we hear that different vitamin, mineral and herbal supplements may help with everything from our skin elasticity to gut health and from joint pain to the symptoms of the cold or flu.
Sponsored: Keto-friendly foods
Q: What are some “keto-friendly” foods that Ingles sells?
Sponsored: Recipe sources
Q: I am looking for recipes to share with seniors through the community center, do you have any suggestions?
Sponsored: Cottage Cheese — An Overlooked Star of Dairy?
Let’s take a look at one of the top protein performers in the dairy section.
Sponsored: Low-sugar beverages
Question: What are some beverage suggestions for someone who has pre-diabetes or is trying to watch their carbohydrates/added sugar?
Sponsored: Eating Vegetables
As a nation we are still doing a really poor job at eating our vegetables. Many of us don't even eat one serving a day! What's stopping us?
Sponsored: "A Chicken in Every Pot"
The phrase, 'A chicken in every pot' has been associated with food security for almost a hundred years, and perhaps even longer. Possibly because poultry are inexpensive to raise and grows quickly.
Sponsored: Snack ideas for those with diabetes
Question: What are some snack ideas for someone with diabetes?
Sponsored: Cold-pressed juices and weight loss
Question: Will drinking cold-pressed juices help me lose weight?
Sponsored: Why they're "treat" and not "cheat" foods
Recently I got asked what are my "cheat" foods. I'm not a fan of using the word "cheat" when it comes to food; it makes me think of being sneaky by eating "bad" foods. Words matter.