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Ever wonder how many local ( Western NC) products we sell at Ingles? 

A trio of local high school students recently represented Haywood County at a weeklong environmental workshop, the Resource Conservation Workshop, held at N.C. State University in Raleigh. 


Sunburst Trout Farms in Waynesville will celebrate its 70th anniversary on Thursday, Aug. 2, coinciding with the first-ever National Rainbow Trout Day and the ribbon-cutting on a new processing facility at 314 Industrial Park Drive in Waynesville. 


The Dirty John Shooting Range in the Nantahala National Forest near Franklin will be closed for upgrades Thursday, Aug. 2, and is expected to reopen the following day. 


The inaugural Smokies Stomp Barn Party hosted by Friends of the Smokies raised more than $60,000 to support the Great Smoky Mountains National Park on Saturday, July 21. 


Two adjoining properties that Mainspring Conservation Trust bought in July now link previously unconnected pieces of national forest and state lands in southern Macon County, also boosting connectivity for the Bartram Trail. 


To the Editor:

Donald Trump has already obstructed justice in the Russian election interference investigation. 

Number one, he has failed/refused to establish a bipartisan commission similar to the 911 Commission to determine what happened, how it happened and how to prevent further interference. Number two, he has repeatedly attempted to discredit the Mueller investigation.

Oddly, Trump may eventually be exonerated by the Mueller investigation. However, his premature and false claims that he has been exonerated only make it appear that he has something that he does not want made public. Let the facts of the Mueller investigation show his innocence or guilt in this matter.

The American people (Democrats, Republicans and Independents) need their election system “fire-walled” against Russia as well as any other entity.

Don’t you think it is about time for our leaders in Washington to stop this obstruction? 

Dave Waldrop



To the Editor:

The conservative right has controlled Western North Carolina politics for decades with an ideology of lower taxes and less government.  The top 25 percent has pushed this maniacal fear of taxes and government, and the amazing reality is that the majority of voters, both locals and move-ins, seem foolishly content with this arrangement: cut taxes, reduce services, throw in some gun lingo and Republicans rule.  

Hence, stringent conservative governance reigns, slashing programs, budgets, and collapsing important resources to meet a callous expectation. With this agenda, it’s no surprise that serious social and economic withdrawal affects the majority of Western North Carolina. 

Conservatives have convinced voters that support services — social security, healthcare, public education, unemployment, disability and other benefits — are welfare handouts; when in reality, tax cuts are welfare for the upper class. Cutting taxes may do wonders for the assets of the upper class and for the welfare of the prosperous; however, the majority loses life-changing services. 

James Madison, father of our Constitution, said, “To provide employment for the poor and support for the indigent is among the primary, and at the same time not least difficult cares of the public authority.” 

Secondly, less government means less regulation; the upper class is free to get more for less, while the working class just gets less and works harder. The irony is that many who need a hand up often vote with this elite minority or in their frustration do not vote. 

The conservative bedrock of our communities remains strong and intolerant, while conditions of poverty increase and services dwindle; it’s illogical to think that we can continue to cut taxes without weakening infrastructure. Less taxation means we serve the top 25 percent and starve the lowest. Taxes should support a quality of life for all and communities will reflect that quality. 

Political regimes that strangle our resources inevitably damage the integrity of our western counties; without a strong and equitable infrastructure, we will crumble from the bottom up. Get out the vote!

Ruth Ballard



To the Editor:

In 2016 the Fourth Circuit of Appeals declared the 2013 N.C. Voter ID Act to be unconstitutional on grounds of racial discrimination, targeting black voters “with almost surgical precision.” Ultimately Voter ID was seen as voter suppression by the courts. We hoped this issue had been settled; but these are not normal times.

Five years later we now see the Republican-controlled N.C. General Assembly circumventing the courts, by proposing constitutional amendments. Voters will be asked to vote for or against six on the 2018 Ballot, one being “An Act to Amend the NC Constitution to Require Photo ID for voting in-person.”

The requirement deals only with in-person voting, not absentee voting, which is far more susceptible to voter fraud and more used by white voters. The amendment is vague, and does not clarify what sorts of ID will be acceptable. Details will be added later if approved by voters in November. 

I trust the “details” will not compare to Texas, where student IDs are unacceptable but voting with an NRA-issued ID is OK.

Most N.C. voters see no problem with a photo ID requirement. Let me shed some light on this. For whatever reason there are thousands of registered voters who lack an appropriate photo ID: from those without vehicles who rely on spotty public transportation to find a DMV office, to those unable to pay court costs to reinstate their driver’s license. And not to mention those who must provide a birth certificate for proving one’s identity. You get the idea: getting a photo ID can be a problem for many citizens, especially ones prone to vote Democratic.

In 2014, over 300,000 registered voters in this state lacked an acceptable photo ID. The problem is endemic: Pennsylvania and Texas in 2014 had 350,000 and 608,000 voters without photo ID. In 2008, Barack Obama won this state by 14,000 votes.

Furthermore, an audit by the NC State Board of Elections & Ethics, following the 2016 general election, found only one case of voter fraud that an ID might have prevented — out of 4.8 million ballots cast.

These amendments are politically motivated, will further undermine democracy by suppressing voter turnout, and will diminish the executive power of our governor. It will pave the way for more bad, one-party, self-serving legislation.

It turns out “super majorities” of any political party are not good for our democracy, which is far more fragile without checks and balances. Voting in this mid-term 2018 election has never been more critical.

Roger Turner



To the Editor:

Western North Carolina’s federal representatives have failed their leadership report card on Russia’s interference in our elections. Rep. Mark Meadows has earned an F. Not only has he failed to proactively protect the 2018 election process from Russian interference, he sponsored a bill to fire Deputy Attorney General Rod Rosenstein, who is overseeing the Mueller investigation into Russian meddling.

Senators Burr and Tillis have expressed concern about Putin, yet they have been mum about the U.S. President’s denial of Russia’s meddling in the 2016 election. They have earned at best an F since they, too, have declined to take reasonable steps to protect the 2018 and future elections from Russian interference. 

Charlotte Collins



To the Editor:

The stated reason for the N.C. 107 project in Sylva is to reduce traffic problems and increase safety. Two problems that I have not seen addressed are:

• School zone safety in front of the elementary and high schools. Coming toward Sylva from Cullowhee there is a flashing yellow caution light/school zone advising drivers that the speed limit decreases near Cullowhee Valley Elementary and before the turn to Fairview. However, when coming from downtown toward Smoky Mountain High School and Fairview there is only a sign — no flashing light. Why? Drivers routinely fail to decrease speed during the designated hours.

• The speed limit is 45 from about the entrance to Lowe’s until after the light at Old Cullowhee Road. The limit increases to 55 after crossing the bridge but drops to 45 again before the main entrance to WCU. Few drivers adhere to these limits. Students are among the worst offenders.  Also, after passing the turn to Jackson Recreation Park there are a number of double yellow line no passing zones that some drivers ignore! 

Rarely do I see drivers stopped for speeding in these areas. If there’s no enforcement, why bother with signs?

Gene Tunnell



To the Editor:

It always amazes me that folks don’t seem to get it. Economic growth is at 4.1 percent, unemployment down to the lowest in a very long time, Korean leader Kim Jong Un dismantling nuclear systems, trade deficits being assessed and corrected to America’s betterment, greater respect for America around the globe, “putting America FIRST” being the new earned slogan, ISIS being jolted, taxes down, manufacturing coming back to us, so many good things happening now in America. Is Trump himself perfect? Of course not. But he is doing everything in his power to help America and Americans! You must realize that if you really are objective.

Democrats in Washington who block everything coming before them just because it may be a Republican or Trump idea seems to be the story of the day. No matter how good bills are for our citizens or how well qualified a nominee to the Supreme Court is ... just vote no without a thought. And that goes for some Republicans too because they just can’t take it that a businessman can get so much done that is good for the public that they themselves can’t.  Jealousy, envy and downright vicious hate toward our president is also the story of the day. Media being so uninformative or out and out untruthful on real news just because it’s Trump doing a great job. Very sad. We should be proud our country is in good shape and we have a president who is proud.

Sad that the leftists — being led by vicious, selfish politicians — refuse to see the truth about America’s statistics lately. Like I heard a person actually say within my own party, “I usually vote against something presented by someone I don’t like.” Wow, that is so telling about the state of mind of some people. Wake up everyone, educate yourself and don’t be used like sheep anymore. Read from many sources get the facts before spreading half-true information or opinions based on weak criteria. Trump is for America and Americans. Aren’t you?

Trish Chambers



Each year, one of the highlights of the 10-day Folkmoot Festival is the Parade of Nations. This year, 10 groups from across the globe walked down Waynesville’s Main Street, stopping at the Historic Haywood County Courthouse to perform for local dignitaries.


A three-day meeting to plan the future of the outdoor industry drew leaders from 11 states to Asheville this month, resulting in an accord to establish a set of principles in the areas of economic development, public health and wellness, conservation and stewardship, and education and workforce development. 


More than 600 people attended the 15th annual Mountain Wildlife Days at Sapphire Valley Resort July 13-14, raising more than $2,600 to support wildlife education in Western North Carolina. 


To the Editor:

The Mission Health board and CEO Ron Paulus clearly don’t get it: the system’s billions in assets do not belong to them to do with as they please.

A few days ago, Mission announced the incorporation of a nonprofit foundation to receive the proceeds from the proposed sale of Mission’s six hospitals to HCA Healthcare, the nation’s largest for-profit chain. By law, proceeds from the sale must go to another nonprofit dedicated to improving regional health – but that doesn’t mean Mission gets to shape that nonprofit or decide who runs it.

Nevertheless, Mission’s board not only named the foundation, it picked one of its own former members, the woman Paulus credits with bringing him to North Carolina eight years ago, to head the new board. The message couldn’t be clearer: Mission and Paulus believe it’s their right to control the money generated by the sale to HCA. 

That assumption is as arrogant as it is wrong. Why? Because a foundation created to serve the community should be formed by people drawn from throughout the community — not a self-selecting few who give lip service to inclusiveness while rushing to perpetuate their own power. 

That’s why at least nine states spell out community-focused mechanisms for creating such foundations. That’s why many of those laws prohibit or severely limit any involvement by the nonprofit hospital’s leaders in the foundation that’s formed.

Fortunately, Paulus and Mission don’t get the last word. That belongs to state Attorney General Josh Stein. His role is to protect the taxpayers of North Carolina, who have, by allowing Mission to avoid paying taxes all these years, invested many millions in the system. 

SEARCH (Sustaining Essential and Rural Community Healthcare) calls on Stein to put the brakes on Mission’s assumption of a right that does not and should not belong to it. Anything less would shortchange the public whose trust he holds.

Victoria Loe Hicks



To the Editor:

A number of letters in The Smoky Mountain News have rightly pointed out that liberals are not presenting President Trump in a very positive light.

In this letter only the opinions of conservatives will be cited because it’s about time that conservative views finally get the publicity they deserve from the mainstream media.

For a reliably conservative viewpoint, we should turn to Fox News. Regarding President Trump’s recent Helsinki press conference with Russian President Vladimir Putin, Fox’s Neil Cavuto described Trump’s behavior as “disgusting” (a view also expressed by former Nixon counsel John Dean). Cavuto has also said, “Mr. President, it is not the fake news media that’s your problem; it’s you.” 

Fox anchor Shep Smith has said that the President “keeps repeating ridiculous throwaway lines that are not true at all” and has concluded that “the so-called ‘rigged’ Russian witch hunt is not a witch hunt.” 

In case Cavuto and Smith don’t seem quite conservative enough, we should look at what Brian Kilmeade of “Fox and Friends” says. Responding to the President’s tweet blaming bad U.S-Russian relations on “many years of U.S. foolishness and stupidity,” Kilmeade said, “That’s by far the most ridiculous tweet of late.”

Both U.S. senators from Texas, John Cornyn and Ted Cruz, have expressed their concern about President Trump’s stated trust of former KGB officer Vladimir Putin at the Helsinki Summit. GOP Representative Will Hurd, also of Texas, said, “Over the course of my career as an undercover officer in the C.I.A., I saw Russian Intelligence manipulate many people. I never thought I would see the day when an American president would be one of them.” Sen. John McCain called the President’s conduct in Helsinki “a tragic mistake,” while GOP Sen. Jeff Flake called it “shameful,” and GOP Sen. Ben Sasse termed it “bizarre.”

As for the President’s zero-tolerance policy of separating families at the border, Republican leaders who criticized the practice include Lindsey Graham, Laura Bush, Jeb Bush, Mitt Romney, John Kasich, Sen. Lisa Murkowski, Sen. Susan Collins and Evangelist Franklin Graham, who called the policy “disgraceful.”

Perhaps it would be more fair to cite only conservatives that the President himself vetted and hand-picked to serve him as staff members and who know the President intimately because of their working with him.  These would include former Secretary of State Rex Tillerson, who said the President is “a moron;” current Chief of Staff John Kelly, who has called the President “an idiot;” and H.R. McMaster, who has referred to the President as “a dope.”

As far as what to do about the current political situation, we may look to Steve Schmidt and James Comey, who have been registered Republicans most of their lives. Comey says, “All who believe in this country’s values must vote for Democrats this fall.” Schmidt similarly says, “The first step to a season of renewal in our land is the absolute and utter repudiation of Trump and his vile enablers in the 2018 election by electing Democratic majorities.”

Thank you to The Smoky Mountain News for allowing conservative viewpoints to be shared for a change.

Bill Spencer



To the Editor:

It is time for the U.S. Congress to act as a co-equal branch of government and rein in the reckless behavior of the president.

To its credit, the Senate has pursued responsible and objective investigations into the Russian attacks on our election system. In contrast, the House of Representatives has done nothing but misdirect and delay and attack the credibility of our investigatory and intelligence agencies. Therefore, it is up to the Senate to carry out the responsibilities of a separate, but equal, branch of government.

The president has repeatedly denied the role of Russia in interfering with the 2016 election, in spite of solid conclusions by our intelligence agencies and the Senate. He has known about these attacks since January 2016 — before his inauguration. At this point, we all know that the President is lying and apparently making agreements with Mr. Putin that no one else knows about, including his own national security staff.

The Senate needs to probe and act in some obvious areas. It seems clear that Mr. Putin has some leverage on Mr. Trump and is influencing his decisions. I suspect that the issue is financial. After being cut off from financing from U.S. firms, his son has indicated that they have ample funding for their adventures from Russian sources. The president is about nothing more than money and his real estate deals require lots of money.

Given the high probability that Russia has some sort of leverage on Mr. Trump, what needs to be done?

First, the Senate needs to subpoena the Trump family personal and corporate tax returns. This should be investigated immediately and thoroughly. The source of Mr. Putin’s leverage is likely to be found there if it exists.

Second, the Senate should do whatever is necessary to protect Mr. Rosenstein (DOJ) and Mr. Mueller until the current Special Counsel investigations are completed. This process must be completed to determine the extent of Russian interference and its consequences.

Third, the Senate should rescind the President’s unilateral authority to impose tariffs. National Emergencies do not emerge overnight at the whim of the current occupant of the Oval Office. This President’s tariff initiatives are causing damage and discord that is totally unnecessary and counterproductive to the U.S. and our allies.

Finally, the Senate should deny confirmation of any further Presidential appointments.  In particular, the Senate should fail to approve any court appointments where the candidate believes that a sitting president should not be prosecuted for criminal behavior. 

The President’s actions to date clearly support Mr. Putin’s agenda. Whether it is reducing confidence in our own electoral process, or seeding discord and mistrust among NATO and other historic allies, we are clearly supporting the Russian objectives. This must stop, and the Senate must stop it.

John Gladden



To the Editor:

Recently I spoke with N.C. Rep. Mike Clampitt, R-Bryson City, and Sen. Jim Davis, R-Franklin, about the Photo ID state constitutional amendment that will be on the state ballot this fall. I expressed my concerns; that requiring a photo ID can and will disenfranchise voters across our state, especially in rural areas such as where their constituents are residing. That voter fraud in North Carolina is virtually nonexistent, and requiring an ID is a solution in search of a problem. They nodded their heads as I spoke, one more polite than the other, but ended with the same basic sentiment; they don’t care. They were completely unfazed and apathetic towards the idea that this amendment can and will hurt more people than it will help. That this will hurt our people.

It was during these conversations that I realized the scope of the problem. Our representatives did not vote for this amendment out of ignorance or a lack of understanding. They voted for it knowing exactly what it can and will do to hurt voting in North Carolina. They voted for it in an attempt to stop people like ourselves, our neighbors, and our loved ones from participating in the political process. 

That is why now, more than ever, it is time for North Carolina to unite at the polls, and vote against this Amendment. We know our legislatures don’t care about us, so now it is time to prove that we care about ourselves and our people, and that we will do what is right. 

Sara Mears

WCU student



The upcoming remodel of N.C. 107 through Sylva will be the focus of a special meeting and public hearing planned for 5:30 p.m. Monday, Aug. 6, at Sylva Town Hall.


Although legislators have been called back to Raleigh for a special session that may include modification of the descriptions of the six ballot referenda up for consideration by voters, the substance of the proposed constitutional amendments will not likely change. 


Over the years I have asked the question, “What does local mean to you when we talk about food?” Whether I’ve been in front of a group of students at a university, speaking to fellow dietitians or business people or presenting to the public at a  community center or hospital it’s always interesting to hear the responses:

What is “Taste of Local?” Your opportunity to meet some of the local farmers, vendors and artisan food, beer and cider makes that supply Ingles, sample products, shop local and support local businesses!

A bi-partisan bill seeking to create a fund to address deferred maintenance in the National Parks System has been introduced in the U.S. Senate. 


A new species of tick has been spotted in North Carolina following the discovery of a longhorned tick on an opossum in Polk County. 


The Learning Center at PARI has officially launched following a ribbon-cutting ceremony this month.


To the Editor:

In reference to the letter from Lowell Crisp titled, “The whole truth about Red Hen incident,” I must question his sources. He states:

The real truth is that Secretary (Sarah) Sanders’ family went across the street to another restaurant after the Red Hen owner refused service. Well guess what happened?

According newspaper accounts, the Red Hen owner followed the Sanders family and organized a protest. The protestors were yelling and screaming at them outside the other restaurant.”

Mr. Crisp then switches topics to say the editor should have said “at least one little ole piece of information about President Trump that was positive.”

Beyond the fact that the “little ole” comment was irrelevant to the subject of the letter, I would offer the following comment.

The letter writer references newspaper accounts. What accounts? Which publications? Who said it?  

He did not because an account of the owner crossing the street did not happen. It was not reported in accounts on the day of and day after the incident because it did not happen. It was suggest by Mike Huckabee on Fox News but not substantiated. Also, Huckabee was talking about an incident that occurred involving his daughter. 

All Americans should recognize and not traffic in fake news.

Richard Gould



To the Editor:

Here is the news … but it is not new — there is a legal way to enter the USA! 

So much attention is given to illegal entrants that those waiting in line seem to be all but forgotten. It is a shame that those waiting in line see that thousands of people, like the DACA illegals, who spent years in the U.S. illegally, may be allowed in ahead of them.

You often hear “we are a nation of immigrants,” citing the influx of immigrants in the early 1900s and that is true … but they came legally with papers and were allowed in only after health and background checks.

Now we are spending a great deal of time, money and energy on bold illegal entrants and what to do about the DACA individuals instead of perfecting our legal entry process and laws by improving the path for legal entry.

I, and many others I am sure, am sick and tired with those on the left who protest and encourage protesters to march to break our laws. They carry signs with phony phrases, shout, chant and wave their arms in the air … all for law breaking. 

No matter how you cut it, coming to the USA in any way other than through our legal immigration system is against the law. Do Democrats and the left know that? You bet they do, but instead of protecting our country and citizens they want to protect their power in government. No law and order from that crowd.

No illegal entrant should be allowed to set foot on our country period. That is why we need a wall … one with doors of course to allow those who apply for entry at our embassies and consulates in the first country they set foot in. For many this would be Mexico.

If DACA individuals want to become American citizens and vote, they are free to leave and attempt to re-enter the country as legal immigrants.

Something is very wrong with this state of affairs. As a U.S citizen I feel abused, used and pick-pocketed. Finally we have a leader, a president who has plans for solving our immigrant problems that are not mean, cruel or inhumane as described by some leftists who are also Trump haters. The president’s plans protect U.S. citizens, our country and our future. What has been done about immigration so far has developed into the sad situation we have now. Nothing else has worked up to now so let’s give Trump’s ideas a chance.

Most of all let’s demand only legal entry into the United States and let that be known throughout the world.

Let’s keep America great.

Ralph Slaughter



To the Editor:

I would like to express my enthusiastic support for the thoughts expressed in Scott McLeod great article in the past week’s edition of The Smoky Mountain News ( 

I have long felt strongly that giving our residents and guests, and especially our younger generation, access to the interchange of intangible cultural heritage that is provided by the presence of performers from around the world in our community is Folkmoot’s most valuable contribution to our society. Obviously, there are tangible benefits as well, which are important to our community; however, the intangible ones are the longest living.   

Two things strike me as especially important. The first is the impact that Folkmoot has had on the lives of many young people in our region, who have served as interns, guides, volunteers, etc., in giving them inspiration as to their future, education, careers, travel opportunities, including visiting their friends from abroad whom they met during the festival, etc.   

The second long-term benefit resides in the fact that the members of visiting groups return to their home countries with experiences in the U.S. and friends in the U.S. that, in  most cases, will insure their favorable view of our country and will never become enemies of our country, thus making a small contribution to the endless struggle for future peace on our planet.  

 The thoughts expressed in your article call attention of your readers to the benefits emanating from Folkmoot beyond pure entertainment, and we are most grateful to you for calling attention to these intangible but important results that accompany each annual edition of our festival.

 Rolf Kaufman

Folkmoot USA Board of Directors



To the Editor:

Some of you may have read my red wolf letter to the editor published in early May. So, I will keep this simple. 

The last red wolf population in the wild exists solely in eastern North Carolina. The red wolf has faced increasing political pressure in the last few years from landowners in the red wolf range and the North Carolina Wildlife Resource Commission. Pressure from these sources led the United States Fish and Wildlife Service to passively watch as gunshot mortalities became the main cause of death during the last several years. The red wolf population dropped from more than 130 wolves to less than 30 known individuals in less than four years. 

Instead of rectifying their agency’s apathetic approach to red wolves by helping them regrow their population, the USFWS has instead moved forward with a proposal that will effectively doom the red wolf. The proposal includes shrinking the population by 90 percent, pulling many red wolves into captivity, and allowing any remaining red wolves who wander off federal lands to be shot. Scientists have already stated that the red wolf will go extinct in the wild within a decade under this plan.

As North Carolinians, we deserve better than to have the rarest canine go extinct in the wild in our state. Please voice your opposition to the USFWS proposal by submitting a comment by July 30 to HYPERLINK “” using the red wolf docket number FWS-R4-ES-2018-0035.

Christopher Lile



To the Editor:

The Waynesville Watershed has a Water Supply 1 (WS-1) classification, which is the most strict in North Carolina. When looking at the watershed regulations, they show how strict a WS-1 classification really is. This property has to be the entire drainage basin and in ownership of the public. Residential development and sewer lines are prohibited. 

While researching deeds, I learned that the Town of Waynesville allowed private owners to retain 18 acres inside the drainage basin of the watershed. Consent to construct three houses on two parts of this property was also given.

At a town board meeting on April 27, 2004, I raised the question of the 18 acres.

It appeared that former Mayor Henry Foy and three of the town board members were unaware of this property. Former Town Manager Lee Galloway stated that  to keep a WS-1, the watershed property would have to be in public ownership.

When I asked the board if the town received a variance on restrictions of this property, Manager Galloway replied yes. Further saying an approval was received from the N.C. Division of Environmental Management and also the three houses could be built with septic systems diverted to the other side of the ridge.

When I wrote Dr. David H. Moreau, chairman of the N.C. Environmental Management Commission, the reply was that no variance was given that allowed private property in the watershed. This letter also said the Division of Water Quality was very involved in the limitations placed on the development in our watershed.

If private property, houses, and sewer lines are allowed in a WS-1 watershed, what is the use for the classifications?

Newspaper articles from 1993-2007 told us repeatedly that all the property had to be in public ownership, no construction was allowed, and Waynesville was in full ownership. 

Does the DWQ or Waynesville have the authority to ignore or alter Haywood County ordinance 151.31 that prohibits residential uses in our watershed?

Can code 15A NCAC 02B.0212 be brushed aside? This code affirms to have a WS-1 watershed the property must be natural, undeveloped and in public ownership.

Charles Miller



Folkmoot International Festival is celebrating its 35th anniversary this year by introducing some new events during the 10-day cultural exchange and revamping its much-loved traditions. 

• Bringing the world to Western NC
• Folkmoot guides play critical role
• Meet the groups of Folkmoot
• Sunday Soiree brings flavor to Folkmoot
• Schedule of events


Seedlings are available for sale from the N.C. Forest Service Nursery Program, with specimens offering superior growth, form and disease resistance due to solid nursery research and production experience. 


A $3,500 grant from the Duke Energy Foundation will help support the school outreach program at Highlands Nature Center. 


This summer’s Folkmoot Festival is just around the corner and the 2018 lineup is sure to be one to remember. 


To the Editor:

It is not hard to find a lot of things to detest about what President Donald Trump says when he attacks the news media, women, Muslims, immigrants, Sen. John McCain, etc., but I was particularly struck by his attack on George H.W. Bush at his speech in Montana. It really hit a nerve for me.

What is it that POTUS does not understand about the former President’s Thousand Points of Light program? It is about volunteerism, a completely apolitical thing that we ALL should support. I actively volunteer in my community and I don’t think that my fellow volunteers care about my politics nor do I care about theirs. We do it because we can and because there is a need for the work that we do.

I can only surmise that POTUS doesn’t get it because he can’t understand why anyone would do anything from which they receive no personal benefit. Americans have historically cared about others, but clearly there is no room in Donald J. Trump’s agenda for volunteerism or generosity.

Kent Stewart



To the Editor:

Just a note to let you know that I did not like your Opinion editorial about the Red Hen restaurant incident. Maybe you did not intend for the article to be completely negative about President Trump, but it was. In my opinion you wanted your readers to think that you were really trying to be honest and sincere in what was good for the country; however, honest writing did not happen. In your writing you said that: 

“… the owner asked her into a relatively private area before asking her to leave. There was no heckling, no loud showing off, no tweeting to millions about the incident or insulting to anyone.”

You were telling the public readers what a kind, and thoughtful person this owner was. But you did not tell us the rest of the story. 

The real truth is that Secretary Sanders’ family went across the street to another restaurant after the Red Hen owner refused service. Well guess what happened? According newspaper accounts, the Red Hen owner followed the Sanders family and organized a protest. The protesters were yelling and screaming at them from outside the other restaurant.  

Your Opinion piece would have been so much better if you could have said at least one little ole piece of information about President Trump that was positive. But you did not! 

I certainly agree that the President Trump has used language that I would not use; however, a lot of Americans, including your readers, think highly of the accomplishments of our president. President Trump has a good chance of being reelected because the citizens of our great nation know that changes must be made in the way we govern. You would have to agree that for the past 20 years before President Trump, our country has not handled its problems very well.  

Your Opinion piece would have been better if you had told us the whole truth about he actions of the Red Hen owner.

Lowell Crisp

Graham County


To the Editor:

I am appalled that Sens. Thom Tillis and Richard Burr want to rush through any nominee for a Supreme Court position that this president puts forth under the current circumstances. I think it is an unconstitutional conflict of interest for a person who is under investigation for possible collusion with a foreign government (Russia) to influence his election and for other impeachable offenses to appoint the possible deciding vote in Supreme Court cases that can influence the ongoing investigation. There should be no confirmation hearing for any nominee, however “qualified”, until the investigations of Trump are over.

There will likely be several cases from the investigation that will test the very core of our democratic system of government and will decide whether “We The People” maintain our values of equal liberty and equal justice for all or we become a plutocracy of the wealthy, by the wealthy, for the wealthy. Critical cases on whether the president is above the law or not, worker’s rights, voting rights, religious freedom, access to free and equal education, healthcare, a clean environment and immigration policies that match our espoused values or promote ethnic cleansing. 

All of this is in addition to maintaining women’s rights to choose. Overturning Roe v Wade should not be the main litmus test of a seat on the Supreme Court when so many of our core democratic principles are at stake because there is nothing in Roe v Wade that prevents anti-abortion advocates from exercising their First Amendment rights to practice their beliefs.

I also find it appallingly undemocratic and a violation of our basic value of fairness that Republicans will use one set of rules when Democrats are making judicial nominations but use a different set of rules when it is Republicans doing the nominating. You know what I am talking about — blue slips honored vs. eliminated, 60 votes vs. 51 votes.

Of course Trump lost the popular election by 3 million plus votes and only won the electoral vote because of probably unconstitutional gerrymandering and voter suppression (something this nominee will help decide) in key Republican-controlled states like Wisconsin, Michigan, Pennsylvania and North Carolina.  The fact that all of the potential nominees were selected by the Heritage Foundation and the Federalist Society means that they are ultra conservative or extremely conservative and not reflective of where America needs to be in the 21st Century. It will be a violation of your oath of office and a violation of your job description if you move forward with a vote on this nominee before the Mueller investigation is complete. Your constituents are watching whether you put country first or you vote for plutocracy and party power over “equality and justice for all.”

 Jane Harrison



Taste of Local Ingles in West Waynesville • 1678 Brown Ave #1. Thursday, July 26 • 3-6 p.m.

By Will Studenc 


Dakota Curtis of Sumpter, South Carolina, was sworn in as a new Swain County wildlife law enforcement officer with the N.C. Wildlife Resources Commission last week. 


A long-awaited proposal for future management of the imperiled red wolf population was released last week, drawing ire from environmental groups that have been engaged in the issue. 


Heavy rains and rising rivers prompted the Great Smoky Mountains National Park to evacuate campers at Elkmont Campground last week, beginning the process around 9 a.m. Thursday, June 28, and reopening the area a few hours later. 


To the Editor:

Thank you so much for so eloquently stating your opinion in this article about “not much room left in gutter.” There are many of us that just want to see our political leaders act like adults and not be so far to the left that it destroys any credibility the United States has in this world. 

Many of us have seen, especially us baby boomers, how other nations abuse their citizens by not allowing them to have a say in their government. You can see this in Russia and China and many other nations. We as United States citizens have the right to be able to speak our minds and make our politicians uphold our values by voting for those we think can do their job for our best interests and not for their gain. 

I hope that civility does return to this great nation. Let’s hope everyone comes out and votes in 2018 and 2020 to accomplish this end. 

And, thank you for reporting the news in a civil way. Many of us do appreciate what our reporters and news people do. 

Eileen Janowski



To the Editor:

Children are being shipped around the nation with no records and officials are either lying about their whereabouts or ignorant of what is transpiring. Small children are crying and are traumatized from being roughly separated from their parents. More lies from this administration.

A nonprofit is attempting to put the pieces together while administration officials are at play. I don’t know about you but it is becoming more and more difficult to even watch the news or read about what is going on. 

However, ignoring reality in the early 1930s was disastrous for Germany and Europe. I will do whatever I can to prevent the same fate in our country. 

Something we can all do is remember Rep. Mark Meadows, our Republican congressman. He has pledged loyalty to our reigning czar and has been silent during this whole mess. As we have all learned, silence is complicity. If you want to really drain the swamp, send Rep. Mark Meadows back to his million dollar home with his expensive suits, imported shoes and fancy haircuts. Let’s elect Phillip Price to bring common sense back to Washington. Phillip is a family man and is campaigning to support our hard-working families and the working poor. We need him representing all of us!

Ron Robinson



To the Editor:

Troubling times? Very troubling times! Is America the beacon of liberty we claim to be? Is America a Christian nation? Is America a nation of laws? With the Trump administration what is the moral code? The ethical code? Are we in a race to the bottom? What unites us? What divides us?

What would Jesus do? What would wise King Solomon advise us to do? Do people have any obligation to protect others? Is any individual more important than the entire human race? Are we strong as individuals? Do we gain strength by union of spirit, mind and heart? 

Are people who yearn for the opportunity to live a safe, decent life in America worthy of protection under our laws? If they are not what moral/ethical safety net could Americans provide? What should we provide? Is there any justification for separating children from their mothers/ fathers/guardians? Is Trump’s insistence on a border wall more important than promoting human rights? Did Jesus remind us of the difference between His teachings and man-made laws?

What example will America choose to set for a troubled world? Is the bond between mother and child still sacred to Americans?

Glen Campbell sang, “There oughta be a Hall of Fame for mammas. Creation’s most unique and precious pearls. And, heaven help us always to remember that the hand that rocks the cradle rules the world.” Is that true? If so, what do mothers rule with?

Troubling times? Very troubling times!

Dave Waldrop 



The academic unit that is home to Western Carolina University’s programs in music, stage, screen, art and design will be known as the David Orr Belcher College of Fine and Performing Arts in honor of the late WCU chancellor, who died June 17 at the age of 60 after battling brain cancer for more than two years.


Maggie Valley will be the next town to join the Appalachian Quilt Trail once a mural is completed inside local landmark Joey’s Pancake House on Soco Road. 


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