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You’ll often hear dietitians and public health officials talk about food safety: 

By Sabrina Matheny • Rumble Contributor | My introduction to the esoteric world of spirituality came via my mother in my late teens.  She took me to a psychic name Suzanne. I had no knowledge of the tarot and was amazed at Suzanne’s ability to utilize the symbolic images on the cards to gain access to the details of my relationships. My mother also gave me the book "Where Two Worlds Touch" by Gloria Karpinski. Her work centers around helping people to understand changes in life as a spiritual rite of passage.  Two worlds?  Who knew?!  Much like Dorothy needing to meet the Wizard in "The Wizard of Oz," I became determined to follow my yellow brick road and lift the veil between Heaven and Earth.  

Mountain Projects is meeting with flood victims who are currently in temporary housing, matching them with available resources to put them in safe, dry, clean homes. Currently, there are over 30 households that have applied for services, and hundreds more who have been impacted by the flooding may request help.


Q: Are there vitamin or herbal supplements I should be taking to prevent Covid19 or to boost my immune system?

By Amber Kleid • Rumble Contributor | When students come to my restorative yoga class, the first thing I usually tell them is to get ready to “lay around like broccoli.”  If you’ve ever seen the kind of energy that broccoli brings to the table, it isn’t much. And that’s what I expect from you. If my students don’t leave the class half cock-eyed and stumbling, then I haven’t done my job well.  

By Sabrina Matheny • Rumble Contributor | I attended an event over the weekend that struck a chord deep within my being.  The occasion was the celebration of a young couple’s marriage.  The whole evening was surreal as I watched the love everyone held for these two families climax reaching its peak and exploding as the music started playing and tribal movement took over.  The room felt electric as women of all ages started tuning into their unique rhythm and allowing it to overtake their bodies while simultaneously stomping out any lingering bits of self-consciousness with each beat.  There were men dancing as well and many of them could cut a rug, but they could not hold a candle to the fire emanating from these women moving in sync with their spirit!

Haywood County Board of Commissioners Chair Kevin Ensley tested positive for COVID-19 on Aug. 19. Ensley is experiencing mild cold-like symptoms and is isolating at home. 


Q: Would you recommend frozen meals for someone with diabetes? 

In the week since the last press release, Haywood County Public Health has received notice of 206 new cases of COVID-19.  As of 5 p.m. on August 16, 2021, the North Carolina Department of Health and Human Services has recorded a total of 5,098 cases in Haywood County since the pandemic began. 


By Sabrina Matheny • Rumble Contributor | I love this time of year!  My boys are older now and instead of packing their lunchboxes, I’m packing their suitcases for college. I still look back at their early years of schooling with fondness. You can feel the energy changing as kids end their carefree days of summer and move into the routine of school in the fall. Here are a few pointers for elementary aged kids that can ease the transition of going back to school that I’ve learned not only in the trenches by being a mother of four boys, but also in helping families in my Feng Shui practice.

By Jordan Israel • Rumble Contributor | I love the feeling of unfettered potential in a new notebook. This may explain my lifelong affection for office supplies, and why the prospect of the back-to-school season fills me with spiral-bound hope. I feel renewed in the fluorescent glow of a Staples in Mid-August.

Q: Is it possible to be allergic to meat? 

The Haywood County Health and Human Services Agency has identified a COVID-19 outbreak at Maggie Nursing & Rehabilitation in Maggie Valley.


Jerry Wolfe’s voice crackled across the speakers telling one more story.


With admissions last week of stealing and breaking into motor vehicles, District Attorney Ashley Hornsby Welch said, a Sylva man also violated his probation for an earlier ransacking of an ambulance and Harris Regional Hospital EMS building.


Mission Health has hired Clint Kendall to serve as the new Chief Executive Officer and Chief Nursing Officer at Angel Medical Center in Franklin.


FRANKLIN – A contractor for the N.C. Department of Transportation recently started a safety project along a stretch of Highlands Road in Macon County that should have long-lasting benefits for residents and visitors.


Haywood County Health and Human Services have identified a COVID-19 cluster connected to the Canton Police Department. Six employees, at all levels of the department, have tested positive for COVID-19. 


Sabrina Matheny • Rumble Contributor | We all grow and change in life and that often results in moving or renovating homes. I enjoy working with clients when they are changing stages in life because their energy is in a place of expansion. Even when they are downsizing their living situation, their spirit is growing and embracing the new adventure that lies ahead!

The female body is a complicated organism, and the reproductive system is perhaps the most complicated of all. Sex can be a beautiful part of life and the core of intimate relationships, but over the years sexual pleasure will inevitably ebb and flow. 

Naema Pierce • Rumble Contributor | Somewhere in the many messages that we have received about sex, most of us have accepted the idea that if a penis is erect and a vagina is wet, then that person is primed and ready to go for sex.

By Sabrina Matheny • Rumble Contributor | All energy connects. We like to compartmentalize issues in our lives, but from an energetic stance that’s an impossible feat. Energy flows through our body through energy centers known as chakras. How it moves through these centers is determined by our mental and emotional health. This is powerful information and if we are willing to do a little sleuthing it can offer us a chance to change course and deepen.

By Sabrina Matheny • Rumble Contributor | How we feel in a space makes a big difference in our ability to recover from life’s stressors. By setting up a place designated for meditation, we build up the energy in a room making our time of meditation practice there more powerful. The physical body spends less time trying to relax and expand because the space already offers a heightened vibration. By implementing a few items and adjusting your schedule you will reap even greater rewards from as few as 5 minutes of meditation.  

Q: Are “seed oils” bad to use? 

In just over a span of five years, the women’s heavy athletic division at the Grandfather Mountain Highland Games has grown from a group of three dedicated competitors to now attracting more than a dozen professional athletes form the across the country to participate in the weekend’s slate of ancient competitions.

“Nature never did betray the heart that loved her.” – William Wordsworth, 1798

This month is Plastic Free July, a perfect time to conserve for the sake of your health as well as all Creation. [1]  One way to do this is to bring your own bag (BYOB) every place, every time you shop. 

Before noon on Monday, July 19, school employees smelled propane. Summer school students, summer childcare students, and staff were evacuated to a soccer field adjacent to the school. Maintenance and emergency services were notified.


Q: I need to have some oral surgery and will need to be on a diet that is mostly liquids for a couple of weeks. What are some things I should plan on buying or stocking up on? 

By Sabrina Matheny • Rumble Contributor | My intuitive design work is based on the principles of Feng Shui. I started out as a Feng Shui consultant and quickly learned how to sense patterns in a space that contribute to disharmony in a home. Here are the top two mistakes I see people make when designing their homes. Addressing these can make a HUGE difference in how your home can support your health, wealth and relationships.

Folkmoot, North Carolina’s Official International Folk Festival, returns with the reimagining of its Summerfest, scheduled from Thur., July 22 to Sun., July 25. The festival will be located at Lake Junaluska, Downtown Waynesville and the Folkmoot Friendship Center.

By Sabrina Matheny • Rumble Contributor | I work with the spirit world. I am grateful for those in the living that trust me to hear their stories of pain and to those in spirit that step forward to ease that pain and offer love as a path to healing.

Q: If someone has pre-diabetes (borderline diabetes) is it safe to eat breads with no added sugar? 

New York Times bestselling author Delia Owens will keynote Literacy Together’s 13th Annual Authors for Literacy Dinner & Auction on October 28, 2021.

By Maxine Hooten | I'm the youngest of my fourteen cousins. Ten of us are girls. I always love seeing them but since the pandemic I haven't gotten to see a lot of them. I was so excited when my cousins from Florida, Jamie and Katie, said they wanted to come spend the weekend with us because it was Jamie's birthday. We invited my other family to come celebrate too . My mom said that I could be in charge of making the birthday cake. But I decided to make a birthday pie, peanut butter pie to be exact.

By Sabrina Matheny • Rumble Contributor | Do you remember the 1960s game “Operation?" Cavity Sam lays on an operating table with various cavities exposed, holding plastic pieces that need to be removed. All that is required is a pair of tweezers and your fine motor skills to heal this poor chap! If you can successfully remove the plastic piece without touching the walls of the cavity, you win the money associated with the cost of the surgery. If not, his big red nose buzzes and lights up so bright, it puts Rudolf to shame.

Our VOICE learned on June 16 that we would not be receiving $298,000 in continued grant funding from the North Carolina Governor’s Crime Commission due to the alarming decrease in Victim of Crime Act (VOCA) dollars at the federal level. This funding supported vital ongoing, longtime services, one of which is free counseling for sexual assault and human trafficking survivors.

Q: What is the difference between the Laura Lynn "Nu-trish" milk and the Laura Lynn regular 1% milk? 

 By Dr. Dara

Have you ever taken a chance at something that you never thought you could? Have you put aside all the reasons you shouldn’t do something and did it anyway? Have you made a big decision purely off your instinct–your gut instinct? 

Gary Lewis of Clyde didn’t get the scratch-off ticket he wanted when he stopped at a convenience store to play the lottery, but he did find a 100X the Cash ticket with a $100,000 prize.


Haywood County courts are back in full swing following safety-related case delays during the COVID-19 pandemic.


By Harmony Robin • Guest Columnist | As I sit and gaze out my window, the summer breeze cools my face. Listening to the sounds of a summer night and typing away what I hope will have significance or meaning to someone, somewhere, someday. 

By Sabrina Matheny • Rumble Contributor | Feng Shui is the ancient Chinese art of balancing a space by using a combination of the elements water, wood, fire, earth and metal. Understanding how energy moves or becomes stagnant and the effect it has on the people living there, is key to transforming the living environment. So this begs the question, “how do you know if your home has good or bad energy flow?”


Meet the author of The Girl Explorers, Jayne Zanglein, at 3 p.m. on Saturday, June 26, at City Lights Bookstore in Sylva. She will greet folks and sign books.

The Rotary Club of Sylva chooses a student of the month for good grades and exemplary study skills.

Q: I was buying this item at Ingles and suddenly it has disappeared! What happened to it?

Celebrate summer with an evening of entertainment that includes a delicious dinner and fabulous production. Dine With Divas drag dinner cabaret is a mouth full of fun and premieres at the Highland Brewing Event Center on July 29.

By Daley Hooten • Rumble Contributor | On June 11, Welsh pop singer Marina released her latest album, Ancient Dreams In a Modern Land,” and announced her upcoming tour in 2022. I had been signed up to receive newsletters from her, so as soon as I got the news I jumped on my laptop, turned up the volume and jammed out for the next hour. 

Q: Do "lactation cookies" work?

How’s your pickle knowledge?

One of the spices I love most is cayenne pepper which has capsaicin in it. Capsaicin is shown to help increase your metabolic rate! It does this by increasing your internal body temperature which in turn makes you burn more calories. So the spicier food you eat... potentially the faster your metabolism. Think about like harissa or other spicy additives to food that can up those internal body temps! 

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