Feng Shuiing My Son's Apartment

I drove down to Asheville recently to see my boys and to help one of them move into an apartment. I have enjoyed watching all of my boys fledge one by one into the world and into their own lives. The final step, getting their own places, has been particularly satisfying for me as I love designing spaces! I am lucky to be able to acutely feel when the energy of a room is off. It has taken me years to refine my 6th sense to locate and restore harmony to a dissonant environment.

What's a practical use of Feng Shui?


I woke one morning with the urge to purge. I felt compelled to declutter my bonus room. It is what I like to call a flex room. Here, things are stored, gifts are wrapped, weights are lifted, air mattresses are inflated. When we moved in, we used it for an overflow space until we could mentally deal with the items in those boxes. Now, eight months later, it is time to face the music. I ordered a few cabinets to control the chaos last fall, but since then the clutter started spilling out, creeping into the corners and climbing up the walls making that room my kryptonite.

How Feng Shui Can Change Your Life

In my Feng Shui business, I have noticed over the years that when clients start changing their home environment they experience some type of change in their outer lives. There seems to be a direct correlation in seeing the world differently and experiencing it differently. One would not think that moving your bed or couch would start the domino effect leading to changing jobs or finding love, but somehow it does. What is that all about?

How to Sense Energy Flow in Your Home

Sensing energy flow in your home is vital when designing a space. We like to think that arranging our rooms based on our style alone will suffice in creating a nurturing home, but how the energy moves without a stick of furniture in it can make or break our well-being. 

Creating Your Classroom

I walked into a high school classroom to assess the energy before I began to formulate a plan to feng shui it. The classroom had a lot of visuals on the walls. Being a foreign language class, that would be both typical and necessary to create the atmosphere needed to keep students in the language. There were posters of historical sites, cute images of animals speaking French, and of course the classroom phrases that all students need to know like “puis-je aller aux toilettes?” I also noted French vocab labels on everything from stapler to map. All the décor showed me this teacher was thorough in his coursework and the uplifting expressions demonstrated he cared about his students. How did I feel energetically in the space? Heavy.

The Divorce House

By Sabrina Matheny • Rumble Contributor | Feng Shui consultants know that major life changing events affect the energy of a home. These houses should come with warning labels that read: side effects include possibility of bankruptcy, terminal illness anddivorce. The energy experienced during traumatic events gets absorbed into the space. I am not referring to a temporary setback such as a job loss, an argument, or the flu. I means repeated low vibrational emotions that accumulate in a space until it has a consciousness of its own.

Vibing With Your Home

Come together, work together, play together, win together…

Feng Shui Journey Pt. 2

When I work with people, I like to warn them that the work we are doing in their home leads to internal changes. How we arrange our space is always a reflection of the way we think and feel about ourselves. Feng Shui is a path to healing. The patterns I uncover are meant to allow my clients to see how they are holding beliefs in place that no longer serve their spirit. 

Feng Shui Journey Pt. 1

What goes on in the minds of this consultant and her client during a Feng shui consultation…

3-Week Series in Feng Shui

Let's see where you're at...

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