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Different forms of “fasting” seem to be in the news a lot lately from “time-restricted eating” (TRE), to intermittent fasting (IF) and circadian rhythm eating (CRE).

By Sabrina Matheny • Remember Highlights’ hidden pictures? These are pictures of common scenes that have images hidden within them. For example, a moving day scene could have a picture of a domino hidden on the side of stacked boxes. This puzzle develops a child’s ability to recognize a figure in a different context. As adults, I propose we use everyday life as our puzzle and transform our current experience by locating our hidden limiting belief. Our interactions with others are our common scenes. We participate in these scenes by enacting patterns that are shaped by our life experiences and reflect our ongoing beliefs.

How creative are you in the kitchen? What staples do you keep on hand to make quick meals? 

By Sabrina Matheny • I’ve written on how to use a pendulum in the past: Pendulum: Yes or No. That article describes the mechanics of using the pendulum along with choosing a pendulum. Lately, I’ve been using the pendulum to help me navigate big projects.

Often we may see or hear people proclaim that certain products, treatments, foods or ingredients in foods are “natural” and therefore better.

By Sabrina Matheny • Rumble Contributor |

You may have seen ads on social media or articles about collagen powder (peptides) helping with everything from removing wrinkles to reducing knee and joint pain and even improving gut health.

By Sabrina Matheny • Rumble Contributor | As Dr. Wayne Dyer alluded to in his book Change Your Thoughts, Change Your Life, I was “sick of my sickness.” In the past 2 years I have experienced personal losses that came as a shock. In a plea to my team of guides to receive help in detaching from the pain of rejection and failure I stumbled onto Jan Spiller’s book “Cosmic Love.” While it does not reveal the secrets of the universe, her wisdom does shed light on what the gifts of each of those relationships were and why I drew them into my life.

Question: My doctor has told me that I need to increase the amount of fiber in my diet? Can I just take fiber supplements?

The wounds from thousands of years of patriarchy cut deep. However, a three-part series starting this February invites women to begin the healing process. 

Have you ever been in a room with other people and sensed that something was amiss? You look around the coffeehouse, you see a couple having a heated conversation, a.w.k.w.a.r.d. You notice the man across the room has his eyes locked on you, and you can feel he is imagining you as his counterpart in a porn movie. Gross! The couple in the corner? Awh…how cute, must be a first date! You are sensing energy! Now that you know what it is, what does it mean, and what are you supposed to do with it?

Are you in a bit of a cooking or baking slump?

By Sabrina Matheny • To Reverse or Not to Reverse?

I spent years reading only the upright meanings of my tarot cards to avoid feeling unsure or confused. I justified it by saying that there were plenty of upright cards that could express challenging meanings, so there was no need to muddy the waters with the reversals. I’ll be honest…they scared me.

There are so many diets and diet books out there. Before you buy that book or try that diet your friend or neighbor recommended ask yourself these 5 questions:

By Sabrina Matheny • Rumble Contributor | I was visiting the nearby town of Shepherdstown, Virginia yesterday when a zealous young fellow around the age of 5 approached me with an offer that I could not refuse:  he would draw anything I requested.

Question: I’m 75 years old and don’t really cook much. My doctor has said I need to reduce sodium. What are my options?

By Sabrina Mathney • Rumble Contributor | Allow the power to flow through you…

I get a lot of different food safety and food storage questions. Last week’s was about Ingles Rotisserie Chicken. A customer wrote asking, “How long can rotisserie chicken be refrigerated before it needs to be thrown out or eaten?"

By Sabrina Matheny • Rumble Contributor | 

We regularly see articles debating the benefits of drinking coffee. Many of us (myself included!) can’t really start the day without a cup of hot coffee.

By Sabrina Matheny • Rumble Contributor | My visit with the ghosts of my past, present and future…

Question: I’m hearing a lot about foods that reduce inflammation and don’t really understand what that means or what I should be eating?

By Sabrina Matheny • Rumble Contributor | I used to be a French teacher. I really enjoyed working with young people. I recognized that learning a language takes courage and felt that step one in getting my students to use the language would be building their confidence.

It might be surprising to hear a registered dietitian with a degree in Human Nutrition and over 25 years of experience in nutrition saying, “Food won’t fix everything,” but it’s true.

By Sabrina Matheny • Rumble Contributor | It’s the holiday season! This time of peace and joy is key to communicating with your angels and guides. 

It’s that time of year when think about gift giving and may struggle to have the time or finances to buy for everyone. 


I read your article on pendulums and I am very interested in learning the right way to use it. I think I have an idea but am confused as to how to determine if it’s my mind that wants a yes or a no or a maybe, or the object. Can you advise me?  Thank you. 

Written by Sabrina Matheny • Rumble Contributor | Remember last week when you sat down to your thanksgiving meal ready to feast on all the traditional dishes that brought about memories from your childhood? You sat around enjoying the Macy’s Thanksgiving Day parade as the kitchen filled with those wonderful scents that took you back in time to grandma’s house. Your tastebuds started working overtime in anticipation of consuming your best meal to date! You had not one but two servings of your favorite dishes, knowing good and well it would be another year before you would get to savor those flavors again. 

Q: I am having a lot of stomach issues and a friend suggested I may have celiac disease and I should stop eating gluten. Is this good advice?

If you’ve got some time before the end of the year to read some books, or are looking for some books to give as gifts, here are some of my recommendations:

By Sabrina Matheny • Rumble Contributor | I am spiritual medium and intuitive designer. Some of my skills include communicating with the spirit world via spirit speak in order to get guidance for my clients; balancing spaces using my knowledge of Feng Shui principles in homes and businesses to bring about a feeling of peace and harmony; and teaching others about energy work. 

By Sabrina Matheny • Rumble Contributor | Wounding one another is part of a process of healing. It sounds ludicrous I know, but it is one of the most powerful ways we humans have of getting our own attention.

We’re all aware that many items in the supermarket have increased in price, so it will be no surprise to discover that this year it will be more expensive to put a Thanksgiving meal on the table. Here are some ways to save:

By Stefanee Sherman • Rumble Contributor | Women are constantly told to do less, be less, say less. Many times told you’re too much, you're annoying, loud and bossy, the list goes on. We are raised trying to make ourselves smaller, likable and approachable, and on top of that most of us work harder and get paid less. We get told “smile more, you would be prettier,” be nicer, lower your voice, all of these things just to make others feel better about themselves. The thing is, we aren’t too intimidating, you’re just easily intimidated. 

A balanced eating plan that includes sources of protein is satisfying, and also helps build and maintain muscle mass.

These boots are made for walking…

By Daley Hooten • Rumble Contributor | On Tuesday, the 1st of November, I was fortunate enough to see Marcus Mumford, lead singer of the band ‘Mumford and Sons,’ perform at the Thomas Wolfe Theater for his tour following the release of his solo album “(Self-Titled).” This was an intimate show consisting of crowd conversations, quiet acoustic songs, and laughter.

Often marketers like to claim that their food, beverage, or supplements are “natural” to make you think that this means it is better for you. This is known as an “Appeal to Nature” logical fallacy. This plays on the mistaken belief that just because something is natural it is better for you; or if something isn’t natural, it is bad or harmful. 

There’s nothing wrong with an occasional treat, but what if you don’t want to give out candy for Halloween? Or what if you want other options for kids that may have food allergies? Here are economical and fun items that you can buy and give out to those Halloween trick-or-treaters.

Rumble Reader • Recipe Recommendation |

“This is the fall cocktail we currently have on repeat in our home. It is light, with warm autumn flavors. Enjoy!”

By Sabrina Matheny • Rumble Contributor | Wheel…of…Fortune!

In most cases it is better for us to get our vitamins and minerals and other nutrients from food first instead of relying on supplements.

By Sabrina Mathney • Rumble Contributor | I Am Bri Hear Me Roar! 

Unplanned weight loss any time in our lives may be a signal of illness and should be addressed with a primary care physician. For older adults, unplanned weight loss may cause a variety of problems:

By Sabrina Matheny • Rumble Contributor | I spy with my little eye

Q: I have high blood pressure and my doctor has told me to get more sources of potassium in my diet – but I don’t like bananas.  What other foods are a source of potassium?

I started seeing psychics at eighteen years of age. My mother took us to a tarot card reader named Suzanne to get a better handle on our love lives because let’s face it, that was foremost on our minds at that age. I continued to book sessions with various psychics over the years, because I appreciate having another person help me to make sense of the information I pick up on, but sometimes struggle to make heads or tails of. You might be wondering where does this information come from, and is it all hooey? 

Q: What are some snack ideas for things I could eat that are low in carbohydrates and lower in sodium?

When I was a little girl my sisters and I would sometimes descend upon my mother needing her to solve all of our problems at once. She would say “hang loose” to buy her a minute to prioritize what needed her attention the most and how she would handle that particular issue. 

Many local food banks and food pantries have been struggling to meet increased needs in our communities. While requests for assistance have increased, donations of food, money, and time (volunteers) are struggling to keep up.

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