Sponsored: ‘The More You Do…the More You’re Able to Do’

I remember my mom saying this when I remarked one time on how busy and active she was even well into her 70’s; ‘Leah, the more I do, the more I’m able to do and the less I do, the less I feel like doing anything at all.’.
As we age it’s easy to become more complacent about activity and moving. We may have various aches and pains…it’s too cold or too hot outside…it’s easier to just sit on the couch and read or turn on the TV…and this can have consequences in terms of our weight, mobility, and overall health.
Getting older means you may have to be more intentional about being active and getting exercise. Check with your doctor or health care provider about any physical limitations you may have and find activities that you can do safely on a regular basis like yoga, walking with friends, taking your dog for a walk, swimming, or going to the gym or fitness center for classes. You could even have weights and exercise equipment at home that you could use a few times a week that will help you stay more fit, mobile and healthy.
Leah McGrath, RDN, LDN
Ingles Markets Corporate Dietitian
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