Remember now next time you vote

To the Editor:

It has been hard to keep up with the news cycles during the first week of President Trump’s administration, but a few things deserve public ridicule. In his infinite wisdom, Trump pardoned and released about 1,500 January 6 criminal defendants into our communities to do violence and organize their militias.

GOP budget plan slashes Medicaid

To the Editor:

I asked Rep. Chuck Edwards about the massive changes made in our names by Elon Musk and others to reduce the size of government and he assured me that “Social Security will not be touched.” How can that be?

Protesters rally against Trump: Attendees angered by Musk’s influence, Democrats’ inaction

On a holiday meant to honor the nation’s presidents — past and present — demonstrators in Jackson and Haywood counties joined others who gathered in cities across the country to protest what they describe as a dangerous concentration of power under Donald Trump and billionaire Elon Musk. 

America’s golden age, or Gilded Age?

Did anyone else watch the inauguration? I mean, I’m sure it was the biggest, best and most-watched inauguration in the history of America, right? My eyes and ears were glued to my computer screen. It was unbelievable, more like a campaign rally speech where promises one knows they can never keep are bandied about like leaves falling from a tree.

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