Paul Revere rides again
To the Editor:
The other night I dreamed I heard hoofbeats on Main Street in Sylva. At first, I paid them no mind. Maybe a member of the wagon train that lumbers through Western North Carolina each summer. Yet, the hoofbeats got louder and louder as the rider approached the red light in the middle of town. He was bellowing out, “The billionaires are here.”
What a dream! He brought his steed to a halt close enough for me to touch it. He spoke with authority to all who were at the site, “I rode here tonight to warn you. You are being enslaved by billionaires now the same as your ancestors were by King George in 1775. You must resist as your patriot ancestors did then, or you will be tacitly approving the death of the republic they envisioned.”
Only at that moment did I realize I had heard the voice of Paul Revere.
Revere steadied his steed near the fountain at the red light. There he addressed the gathering, “There were loyalists then. There were patriots then. It is no different today. Each of you must decide what form of government you will fight for. You will support the republic your forebears gave you or you will cave in to billionaires like Trump and Musk (who are your modern-day King George). They aim to undo every right your ancestors fought for ....”
Then the crowd watched in awe as the ghost of Paul Revere sped east toward the Balsam Gap as fast as he had ridden in, 250 years after his famous ride near Boston in 1775.
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Democracy was only a dream then, a great idea. It still is. We must decide to maintain the dream or watch as American democracy is thrown onto the trash heap of history.
Dave Waldrop