Stunningly false mailers are absurd
To the Editor:
Medicare and Social Security are programs that have always been priorities of the Democratic Party. Democrats started these programs and supported them ever since, and pretty much constantly over the constant objection of Republicans.
One of our most famous and effective presidents ever was Franklin D. Roosevelt. Anyone who knows American history will remember FDR as the president who won World War II and helped end the Depression. To some he is credited with saving America and there is certainly history to help support this proposition as during the Great Depression there was talk that America, young at the time, might, not “make it.” So, one of the most famous Democratic presidents ever started Social Security, FDR in 1934 and saved us during the Great Depression.
Social Security has been the most successful program to prevent destitution of the elderly and disabled citizens of America. Before the Democrats started Social Security, elderly and disabled people literally starved homeless on the streets or relied on family to support them. The Democrats are not about to “destroy” Social Security! Indeed Democrats want to strengthen Social Security, this is a very complex problem and highly controversial, but Dems do not want to destroy it!
Medicare was started by another famous Democratic president, Lyndon B. Johnson, in 1964. Before Medicare and Medicaid were started only very rich people had adequate medical insurance. Death rates due to unaddressed medical issues due to financial considerations were substantial. Medicare not only extended life expectancy substantially but improved quality of life by providing access to cataract surgery, joint replacement, cancer care and even organ transplants as well as routine management of health.
Republicans voted against Social Security and Medicare during inception and continue voting to eliminate it ever since, including as recently as 2018, when Sen. Rick Scott (R-Florida) introduced a plan to "sunset" (a term that literally means, "ending") Medicare and Social Security. Other Republicans including Mitch McConnell, Ron Johnson, Lindsey Graham, Marco Rubio have all suggested cutting or limiting "entitlements" and usually specify Medicare and Social Security.
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So, these mailers that have been constantly coming to me that say Harris is destroying Medicare and Social Security are flat-out, bare-faced lies. The hypocrisy of these mailers is beyond ridiculous. What to do? Well, just make sure everyone you know is familiar with the real story, as above: Democrats started, support and protect Medicare and Social Security while Republicans are always trying to limit, eliminate or "privatize" (a very bad idea) these programs.
Allan Zacher, MD
Lake Junaluska