Letters to the Editor

Wake up before it’s too late

To the Editor:

I made granola today. I know that doesn’t sound like news, or even worth a letter to the editor. But it’s pretty significant for me because my anxiety has been so high, that I haven’t been able to do the everyday things I should be doing — like making the granola I’ve been out of for the last two weeks. 

The anxiety comes from watching the dismantling of our Constitution and with it the dismantling of America. The Founding Fathers very intentionally made our country with three branches — the legislative to enact the laws; the executive to enforce the laws enacted by Congress; and the judicial branch to make sure the laws were constitutional. They did not say the president had all the power, or that the country was to be run by executive orders and decrees that bypass the legislative branch.

The Founding Fathers also said that Congress has the purse strings for the government — not an unelected South African billionaire, who now has access to all of our personal financial data and all our country’s data. And I don’t think the Founding Fathers ever imagined a vice president basically saying the laws don’t apply to the executive branch. I’m watching Congress abdicate their responsibility to us — the American citizens.

I’m wondering if those congressional members realize that they’ll be let go as soon as they are no longer useful. As a military officer I took the same oath as those in Washington take — to uphold and defend the Constitution of the United States. In the Constitution our Founding Fathers gave us the tools we need to run our country.  

It’s hard for me to believe that anyone can believe taking over government computers, personal data, turning control of our country’s checkbook to an unauthorized civilian has been done to cut back on fraud and saying laws don’t apply to the executive branch. It’s been done as revenge, as simple as that, revenge.

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We need to wake up before it’s too late — if it’s not already.

Mary Ford, Major, USAF retired


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