Wake up before it’s too late

To the Editor:

I made granola today. I know that doesn’t sound like news, or even worth a letter to the editor. But it’s pretty significant for me because my anxiety has been so high, that I haven’t been able to do the everyday things I should be doing — like making the granola I’ve been out of for the last two weeks. 

The wisdom of the First Amendment

To the Editor:

Famous songwriter Paul Simon wrote, “… a man he hears what he wants to hear and disregards the rest.” Then he begins to believe it. When we were young children our mother indoctrinated us in the teachings of what might be called “fundamental” Baptist today. Our mother meant well. And until I joined the Navy in 1962, I expressed belief and trust in those fundamental tenets. 

Founders’ quotes are relevant today

To the Editor:

A while ago I read a quote attributed to one of the Founding Fathers that had to do with the presumption that the electorate possessed the knowledge and goodwill to successfully sustain a democracy.

Electoral College’s value is underestimated

In this election year of 2024 I want to discuss two controversial topics: the Electoral College and two-senators-per-state rule. 

Our Constitution is under attack

To the Editor:

Our Constitution was formulated by our Founding Fathers with the purpose of making America a nation free of the oppression and tyranny they had endured under the rule of an English king. 

America’s founding deserves our gratitude

In her classic novel “Little Women,” Louisa May Alcott has her character Margaret gaze bitterly at the family’s frostbitten garden and proclaim that “November is the most disagreeable month in the whole year.”

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