Candidates for Jackson school board address capital needs
This election season, there are four candidates vying for two seats on the Jackson County Board of Education. With Chairman Elizabeth Cooper choosing not to seek reelection, the board will have at least one new member after votes are in.
Sylva passes panhandling ordinance
The Town of Sylva passed an ordinance addressing panhandling last week by a narrow margin after extensive and contentious discussion on the topic.
King named Jackson County manager
The Jackson County Board of Commissioners has hired Kevin King as the new manager for Jackson County.
Main Street Sylva Association creates Mill Street revitalization plan
Every five years, the Main Street Sylva Association’s Board of Directors creates an economic development plan, and this year, the focus is on downtown’s Mill Street.
Join the Sylva Naturalist Club
The Sylva Naturalist Club will meet 6:30-8 p.m. Thursday, Feb. 8, at the Jackson County Public Library in Sylva.
State of the schools: JCPS studies health of schools as it plans for the future
A facilities study for Jackson County Schools that will help inform capital improvements for years to come found several schools in the county are overcrowded, something administration and school board members hope a traditional middle school will help alleviate.
Sylva starts budget process with needs vs. wants
Sylva began its budget process last week with presentations from department heads about what they need in the budget, as well as what they want to see in the budget.
Public hearing scheduled for Sylva solicitation ordinance
The Town of Sylva is once again considering a solicitation ordinance for the streets and sidewalks section of its code of ordinances, and now the public will have a chance to weigh in.
Sylva considers panhandling ordinance, again
With three new members seated following November elections, the Sylva Town Council is once again considering an update to the Streets and Sidewalks section of its code of ordinances to include a section on panhandling.
‘Devil’s in the details:' Jackson to make adjustments to FRL proposal
Jackson County will make some adjustments to Macon County’s proposed changes to the Fontana Regional Library interlocal agreement after the board reviewed those changes in December and then directed its attorney to do the same.