Partner content: Food Inspiration

Where do you get your food inspiration for cooking or baking?
• If you’re a “Boomer” (born between 1946-1964) you’re likely to have a favorite cookbook or seek out new cookbooks that you can buy, check out from the library, or download to a device.
You may also pick up food magazines at a bookstore or in the checkout line if a dish catches your eye. You may also watch cooking shows to get new ideas or “pin” ideas in Pinterest.
• If you’re “Gen X” (born between 1965-1980) you may crowd source recipe ideas from friends on Facebook, use Pinterest to save interesting recipes, get inspired by a chef or influencer on Instagram or by watching a streaming cooking show or one on YouTube. If you subscribe to a meal-kit service, it may be to help save time and also meet health/calorie goals.
• If you’re a “Millenial” (born between early 1980’s and mid 1990’s) you may enjoy watching snippets of quick cooking ideas on TikTok or longer format videos on YouTube. Trying to balance a family and a career, you may order meal kits that are fully or partially prepared.
• If you’re “Gen Z” (born in the late 1990’s to early 2010’s) cooking may not be uppermost in your mind and you may think more about assembling quick meals and snacks from ideas you get from TikTok or combine items from the salad bar or deli at Ingles Markets with packaged items from your freezer for a partially homemade meal for yourself.
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Just remember, all of these are just generalizations...whatever inspires you to cook or bake foods and meals for yourself and your family is great!
Leah McGrath, RDN, LDN
Ingles Markets Corporate Dietitian