This must be the place: ‘Little pink houses for you and me’
Bearing witness to a few fine folks chomping down on handfuls of raw ramps last Sunday afternoon at American Legion Post 47 in Waynesville, it dawned on me that I’ve lost touch with this region.
Sylva considers panhandling ordinance, again
With three new members seated following November elections, the Sylva Town Council is once again considering an update to the Streets and Sidewalks section of its code of ordinances to include a section on panhandling.
2023 A Look Back: Odd Man in award
Maggie Valley is gonna Maggie Valley.
It comes with the territory. To win a seat on that town’s board of aldermen one has to endure some contentious moments, likely over a residential development or (gasp) a park.
LGBTQ+ candidates earn historic victories nationally, locally
Tuesday, Nov. 7 was an important night for out LGBTQ+ candidates across the country, the state and Haywood County, with more running — and winning — than in any previous odd-year election in U.S. history.
Law officers ignore meeting, and that’s good
Sometimes a quiet no-show can be a really loud statement.
Asheville Comic Hits the Big Stage
Each year, hundreds of comedians from across the country compete for the chance to perform at the nationally acclaimed Asheville Comedy Festival, and each year just over 50 are chosen. This year, the lone local chosen to perform is Marlene Thompson.