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By Evan Boyer • Guest Columnist

A few months ago, some legal trouble loomed over me, and I was told that it would be in my best interest to start doing community service. My mom mentioned Haywood Waterways. I contacted Christine O’Brian, and she told me about Howell Mill Road, the trash surrounding it and how it was increasing her blood pressure day by day. I needed hours, she needed help. So I donned a vest, grabbed a grabber, and set out to clean Howell Mill. 


To the Editor:

Are we a nation governed by the rule of law or by Trump’s fantasy lies? Rep. Mark Meadows, R-Asheville, and his Tea Party Republican colleagues seem to favor lies over law. They persist in attacking the rule of law and making excuses for Trump via lies and misrepresentations on Fox “News” propaganda.

Meadows introduced a bill to “investigate the investigators” that actually attacks hard-working FBI agents who are trying to do their job in the face of constant spurious accusations. What we need is legislation that would provide resources to learn all we can about the Russian meddling in the past election and finding ways of preventing such attacks on our republic. Instead Meadows and fellow Republicans are doing all they can to hinder any and all investigations instead of protecting our elections.

The latest distraction was for House Republicans to demand access to the memos James Comey used to document his interactions with President Trump. The memos were delivered to the Republicans, and within hours the entire trove of documents was leaked to the press. Compare this to the persecution of Andrew McCabe, whom Republicans are trying to prosecute for releasing information he had the authority to release. McCabe’s biggest “crime” is having a wife who ran for office as a Democrat.

As the special prosecutor’s investigation gathers more and more evidence and gets confessions and indictments, both House and Senate leaders refuse to take steps to guarantee that the investigation will not be stopped by Trump. Instead they have people in charge of committees to supposedly also investigate the Russian hacking of our elections who seem committed to covering up as much as they can.

For example, Paul Ryan kept Rep. Nunes as head of the House Intelligence Committee even though Nunes as a member of the Trump transition had a clear conflict of interest. Nunes would not require witnesses to testify before the committee and terminated its investigation before the might have discovered something. This is the same Nunes who had endless investigations of Hillary Clinton without ever getting sound evidence of any wrongdoing.

Republicans have long claimed to be the “Law and Order” party. Apparently that only applies if your skin color is other than white or your party affiliation is something other than Republican. It is high time that Rep. Meadows and his fellow Republicans in Congress start looking after the public’s business and our national security. Russian hackers tried to influence the last election and are likely to do so again this year. This is a clear attack on our system of government. It would seem that Republicans feel that since the Russians favored Trump in 2016 that means the meddling is OK. Maybe they think the Russian hackers will also help Republicans seeking office in the House and Senate this year.

It is high time that Republicans and so-called conservatives start putting country over ideology and petty partisanship. Republicans used to be a party with high integrity. Sadly, Republicans currently in Congress do not seem to share that trait.

Norman Hoffmann



To the Editor:

Last week, Rep. Mark Meadows, R-Asheville, took center stage with several others to interfere with the work of the Justice Department and to assist President Trump in his effort to obstruct justice in the Mueller probe. Their spurious demand for Deputy Attorney General Rosenstein to release a vast amount of documents was a thinly veiled attempt to gin up an excuse to charge him with Contempt of Congress, thus providing the groundwork for Trump to fire Rosenstein and close or impede the Mueller probe. Such reckless politicizing made a mockery of Congress’ oversight function.

Throughout the Trump presidency, Rep. Meadows has shown a pattern of blind allegiance to Trump regardless of his bullying behavior, his undermining of our democratic norms, or his refusal to protect our country from Russian meddling.

In November, let’s choose a representative who will uphold the values of our exceptional democracy, not one who shields his party leader at any cost. We can start now by voting for one of the three good congressional candidates in the Democratic primary.

Fred Schmidt



At Dillsboro Elementary School (1950) we played dodge-a-ball during recess. The game was set up kind of like this: a large circle was etched in the playground with a stick. Students rushed inside the circle to play. Their goal?  Avoid being hit by a soft rubber ball that two players outside the circle hurled back and forth at them from opposite sides of the circle. Many of you will recall this inexpensive game. It was great fun and took our minds off the affairs of our childhood world. But the end of recess meant the end of that fun for that day.

Fast forward to 2018. A dodge-a-ball game is now being played at an increasingly faster pace. Those inside the circle are adults who have paid to play: Donald, Paul, Rick, Michael, Michael, George, Carter, Sean, Steve and a few others whose names don’t come to mind at the moment. There is some possibility that players from Russia will soon get in this game (most likely outside the circle, throwing balls). 

The ball is larger and harder in the adult game. The circle is much bigger, but is re-drawn steadily smaller with the passage of time. The original attackers were: Robert, Stormy, Karen and Michael. When a player gets hit he/she may become an attacker, adding yet another ball for those inside the circle to dodge. Needless to say some of the players have grown weary with the pace of the game. Some have merely taken the hit and joined the attackers, complicating the strategies for those within. The difference most noteworthy is that there is no recess to free the players up. Like the Eagles sang in “Hotel California:” “… they can check out any time they like, but they can never leave.” 

Rather than airing on ESPN, this historic game is being played day and night on several news channels. Things have gotten really hectic recently as the circle grows smaller and more people become attackers. This question looms across America: who will be the last one standing? Some have wondered aloud to friends and spectators — why did I choose to play this game in the first place? 

As famous singer/songwriter Joe South observed: “Oh, the games people play now every night and every day now, never meanin’ what they say now and never saying what they mean.”

Dave Waldrop



Bethel Elementary School third-grader Jade Cody has been named the state winner in a poster contest sponsored by the N.C. Association of Soil and Water Conservation Districts and the N.C. Division of Soil and Water Conservation. 


A new video series celebrating Western North Carolina’s local foods economy — and the small businesses and communities that drive it — is now available online. 


A handful of road projects will impact travel in the Great Smoky Mountains National Park over the coming weeks. 


On April 28, a Macon County Schools activity bus was traveling back to Franklin from an Upward Bound trip with a group of students. 


A candidate challenge against Swain County Sheriff Curtis Cochran has been appealed to the State Board of Elections & Ethics Enforcement after the Swain County Board of Elections dismissed the challenge during an April 9 hearing. 


According to a press release from Macon County Sheriff Robert Holland, Macon deputies were dispatched to 164 Pheasant Dr., around 11:41 p.m. April 29, in reference to a dispute amongst neighbors regarding boards with nails placed on a driveway, blocking a neighbors exit. 


The Haywood Community College 2018 graduation ceremonies will be held at 4:30 and 7:30 p.m. Friday, May 11, in the Charles M. Beall Auditorium on the Clyde campus. 


A friend of mine has celiac disease and must be careful of “cross contact.” What does that mean?

This year’s synchronous firefly viewing in the Elkmont area of the Great Smoky Mountains National Park will be Thursday, June 7, through Thursday, June 14, and a lottery for tickets will be open from noon Friday, April 27, through 8 p.m. Monday, April 30. 


Black Mountain resident Kenny Capps is in the midst of a cross-state run that he’s undertaking while also battling an incurable blood cancer, multiple myeloma. 


Tuscola High School students came in first place during the annual Area 1 Envirothon, held March 23 in Waynesville.


If you’ve seen a hellbender, the N.C. Wildlife Resources Commission wants to know. 


To the Editor:

In this week that we celebrate Earth Day, I’d like to make a few observations.

In her book on the Tea Party, Strangers in Their Own Land, Arlie Russell Hochschild compares what she calls “the high road” to prosperity, versus “the low road.” Politicians of both parties are choosing to sell one or the other agenda to different states or regions of the country.

The high road can be seen in places like Washington state, where investments are made in the quality of life, good schools, updated infrastructure (including high-speed internet), clean air, pristine water and copious opportunities for outdoor recreation.

The low road is a strategy that does just the opposite. It is based on cutting spending on all the assets mentioned above.

In the short run the low road can reap some impressive results, like bringing in mining and drilling (and now fracking) operations, and the highly polluting plants that follow. But in the long road the results are miserable. 

The land is left spoiled. Traditional occupations like farming are drastically reduced. The money is boom and bust. The businesses that swoop in like vultures won’t even ask their executives to live in the affected states, so most of the high salaries (touted so eagerly by the politicians) end up flowing to other states (high road states), or even foreign countries.

Looking at the voting records of our representative in Washington, D.C., and Raleigh, and at many of our local county commissions and city governments, we can see that the low road is being pushed upon us. All is not lost, however, as there is strong recognition that Western North Carolina is not the place for it.

In the long run, our greater prosperity is linked to keeping WNC on the high road to the future.

Boyd Holliday

Lake Junaluska


To the Editor:

The Haywood County NAACP supports gun safety and freedom. Today, fear and terror exist in our children’s classrooms. The NAACP advocates for laws that will protect and save children and teachers from gun violence and allow them the freedom to learn in a safe environment.

We support:

• Passing a law to ban the sale of assault weapons like the ones used in Las Vegas, Orlando, Aurora, Sandy Hook and Marjory Stoneman Douglas High School. These are weapons of war, which should be restricted to the military and law enforcement.

• Prohibiting the sale of high-capacity magazines. Limiting the number of bullets a gun can discharge at one time will at least force a shooter to reload and give children a chance to escape.

• Closing the background check law loophole that allows dangerous people to buy guns online or at flea markets. A background check should be required on every gun sale — with no exception.

It is time to insist that politicians and the NRA act in the best interests of public safety by supporting sane and sensible gun safety laws. It is time that parents are free from the ever-present fear of a shooting at their child’s school. It is time that children and teachers are free to learn without fear.

Chuck Dickson

President, Haywood NAACP


To the Editor:

I happened to come across a column written by Martin Dyckman in an old edition of the SMN in which he made some rather strong comments against the soon-to-be-passed tax reform legislation. In that column Mr. Dyckman wrote the following: “There are only two classes of guaranteed winners (with the tax bill)… the wealthiest of all Americans, and large corporations.”

I wonder if he might now have a different opinion of the tax legislation? As of this date, hundreds of different companies — large and small — have given their lowest paid employees bonuses, salary increases, larger retirement contributions, utility reductions and have even increased jobs. Stories continue to be shared from across the country of the powerful and positive impact that the tax reform bill has had on hundreds of thousands of Americans and their families. 

It is amazing to me how otherwise intelligent individuals on the far left continue to be so irrationally influenced by their hatred of Donald Trump — in addition to their ever-increasing lack of touch with everyday Americans. Other examples of this, of course, include Nancy Pelosi’s “crumbs” comment, and someone who Mr. Dyckman quoted in his column, Paul Krugman, who famously forecast a global recession “with no end in sight” under President Trump. Maybe what Krugman actually meant to say was “no recession in sight.”

But then again they say that liberalism is a disease. So I guess it’s not so surprising after all. 

Tom Smith, 

Davie, Florida


The 21st annual Greening Up the Mountains Festival is Saturday, April 28, in downtown Sylva. The festival includes more than 200 vendors who will be spread throughout two locations — on Main Street and Railroad Avenue.


Lake Junaluska Assembly received notice recently that the North Carolina Utilities Commission will in the near future be resuming regulation of Lake Junaluska Assembly’s provision of water and sewer service, including setting the rates for those services. 


I am trying to avoid eating dairy because it makes me feel bad.

While there are plenty of summer camp opportunities for youth in WNC, parents have to begin planning far in advance while also being prepared to shell out big bucks for their children to attend certain programs.


Church youth groups of all sizes are invited to Lake Junaluska for five Summer Youth Events June 17 to July 31.

Hanging Dog Campground, located in the Nantahala National Forest near Murphy, will not re-open following a decision from the U.S. Forest Service. 


The second phase of a two-year trail rehabilitation project in the Great Smoky Mountains National Park will begin Monday, April 16, on the popular Rainbow Falls Trail. 


In a 68-mile fundraising run through the mountains of Northern Georgia, Matt Kirby conquered the terrain in 20 hours and 44 minutes to raise $2,100 for Southwestern Community College students facing financial emergencies. 


In a month-long celebration of Earth Day, the #WNCforthePlanet initiative invites businesses, civic groups and community organizations to take part in the Business & Community Challenge, in which groups compete with each other to earn Planet Points and work to improve the local environment. 


To the Editor:

Trump TV, aka Fox News, has scored another low mark thanks to its sneering cross-bearer, Laura Ingraham. The holy one recently mocked a 17-year-old Parkland High student for failing to get accepted into UCLA despite his 4.2 grade point average.

Parkland High senior David Hogg, who has been one of many student spokespersons against the NRA and gun violence in the aftermath of the Valentine’s Day massacre at the Florida school, has apparently drawn the wrath of the Trump minions on Fox News.

Ingraham gleefully tweeted Hogg “whimpered” about not getting accepted to the California university. Nice lady, picking on a high school student. She’s a real credit to her “faith.” 

I happened to tune into Fox on Ash Wednesday and saw Ingraham, with her prominent ash cross smeared on her forehead, and she looked like a temple Pharisee making a public display of her great faith. I notice she always seems to wear a little cross on her necklace — yet her on-air comments show she has the compassion of a stone and the sneer of Herod.

If Fox News is the channel of choice in heaven, I sure as hell don’t want to go.

James Budd

Bryson City


To the Editor:

I have read many good articles from Smoky Mountain News Editor Scott McLeod, but the editorial on the so called Brunch Bill was definitely not his best work. It’s really the “sell more booze bill” during traditional hours reserved for church and family. See, you missed the big picture — another American value sacrificed for “better business,” or anything for a buck. 

Now you forgot to mention that since the new Cashiers ABC store opened and Ingles putting beer and wine on half their shelves, we have more drinking related accidents and fatalities than ever. Just the cost of better business?

According to your chamber of commerce logic, we should sell alcoholic beverages all day and night 24/7? Why have an age limit, sell to kids too — just like McDonald’s right? The point is, the good old USA we grew up in is disappearing a little bit at a time because what used to not be OK is now normal — like selling booze during church hours.

Jerry Floyd



To the Editor:

I don’t understand how we are supposed to be human in modern life. We want social change but apart from Facebook fighting and walking around in the streets I don’t see any real progress as to what we are really seeking from that? I’m not entirely sure, world peace? How does that happen without changing power figures? That requires war, more war, lots of war. Then war creates more factions which creates more enemies. 

More social equality? That sounds more promising, seems to be some progress being made too, although it’s hard to tell when it seems more like a shift in scapegoats than actual equality sometimes. I did nothing to hurt the white rhinos, I don’t want their horns for a thing, let them run free and be unharmed.

But I also did nothing to stop them being killed, How could I? You didn’t do anything either, but you post the meme every 10 minutes to make someone feel ashamed for you. 

I try to recycle and limit plastic, but I have to get to work because big companies need my money to pay for there last chemical spill and I need power at my house. I want to fight’em, but I’m not rich and being covered in tattoos and being an alcoholic to hide my anxiety isn’t helping my chances in Washington. 

I want black kids to quit getting shot by power-crazed cops, but white kids keep getting shot at school for making fun of the quiet kid, so now everybody only wants those cops to have guns. And I want to say more of this but I’m just a guy on a phone like everyone else, seeing clearly past the simplicities of the points I’m making and seeing the faults even in my own perspective, but I don’t want to fight but mainly I don’t want to win the argument, I want to tie in the debate. Winning should never be the point. Unless it is just war you want disguised in a peace sign.

Robbie Crisp



To the Editor:

I am pretty sure I am not alone in wondering every time I drive around in Waynesville, why does the city allow us to be beat to death and our vehicles, over such worn out streets? Gravel roads would be smoother. From Russ Avenue all the way to the courthouse, library, Frog level area or basically everywhere you go, it is a rough ride. With the continuing business growth and our extreme popularity for thousands of tourists who flock to our town for the Apple Festival, etc., every year, it’s time to do some re-paving please.

Mylan Sessions 



To the Editor:

Is it possible that the beginning of the end of the Trump presidency has begun? That, in my view, would be the best possible outcome to the 2018 election, for our country, for our people, for the world. We have flaws in our democratic system and a character weakness in our nation that allowed someone clearly unqualified and unfit to be elected president. We need it to be done and over with as soon as possible and somehow insure it never happens again.

Over 40 U.S. House Republicans have announced they’re retiring at the end of this term, the highest number to do so (and it’s only March) in any recent election cycle.

With President Trump’s approval ratings bogged down in the low- to mid-30’s, it’s possible Republicans anticipate a midterm bloodbath and losing control of both houses of Congress to the Democrats. Democrats only need to flip 24 seats to win a majority and (in modern times) the president’s party loses (on average) 32 seats. That does not bode well for Republicans, especially with a president as catastrophe-prone as Trump.

Republicans can blame Trump and themselves for their mean-spirited and partisan determination to reverse everything Obama accomplished and for no other reason than their own ill-conceived and ill-considered notions that everything Obama did was wrong for America. If they hadn’t been so obsessed with making Obama a one-term president instead of doing what was right by the American people, they wouldn’t be plagued now with the prospect of losing control of their government and the demise of their party.

When Democrats take control of both Houses of Congress, Trump will face the inevitable risk of impeachment as well as hostile committee chairs with subpoena power. Incidentally, no less than nine GOP committee chairs (so far) aren’t running for re-election. Karma’s a bitch, ain’t it Mr. President?

As Noah Rothman in Commentary/ phrased it, “Americans are prepared to throw Republicans out of power, not because of their record in office but in spite of it.” It’s not Republican policies that trouble most people, citizens are repulsed by Trump himself, disgusted by his inane tweets, sickened by his vulgar comments and deeply offended by his hate-filled, often racist speech.

The United Nations human rights spokesman, Rupert Colville said there was no other way to describe Trump’s remarks (referring to his bunghole comment in the Oval Office) “but racist.” Leaders the world over are disgusted by this U.S. president, and so am I.

He’s an embarrassment to us all and how anyone can support Trump at this point defies reason. Anyone who scorns the U.S. Constitution, advocates prosecuting his critics, boasts of groping women, and praises white supremacists is unfit to be a United States president and as far as I’m concerned gives a whole new meaning to “high crimes and misdemeanors.”

Never will I cast a vote for another Republican so long as Donald Trump remains in office. Republicans, if you don’t have the gumption or the resourcefulness or the plain old moxie to force this lunatic from office before he completely destroys America (or worse), then for the sake of the country you have sworn to serve and defend, turn the responsibility over to someone who will ... and the sooner the better.

David L. Snell   



To the Editor:

I am responding to the reader who wrote regarding Fox News and illegal immigrants.  I have no TV at home, but sometimes I watch Fox News programs while at the Recreation Center. Fox News is always on, but hardly anyone pays attention. I guess the TV ratings are determined by the TV set being on, and not whether anyone is watching.

One day they were broadcasting an interview; I never knew which side of the political spectrum the guest represented, but it didn’t matter since the interviewer kept interrupting. Apparently, the Fox interviewer had more important points to make so the guest never had an opportunity to complete a single sentence. Maybe all TV interviews are like this one.

On another day, they presented news of a caravan moving through Mexico and implied that it was of great concern for the United States. Later I had to go elsewhere for some factual information. It turned out they were a group of people escaping from war and violence in Honduras. They make this pilgrimage every spring (around Easter time) and they stop along the way asking for asylum at various embassies. Some of them are granted asylum and some are not. 

So, the news was real, not fake, but it was presented in such a way as to incite fear rather than to inform. That is my experience of watching Fox News.

Regarding googling “illegal immigrants and IRS.” I did that, and learned that immigrants (both legal and illegal) pay taxes like anyone else, and if they are due a refund, the IRS sends them a refund like anyone else. In addition, they, like everyone else, pay social security taxes, which are not refunded. As everyone knows, illegal immigrants cannot be in the social security system. So, they receive no benefits from Medicare or other social security programs.

But, you do. If you are a Medicare recipient, your benefits are partially paid for by people you call illegal immigrants. But, I assume, everyone already knows that. 

Paul Strop



Longtime Cherokee Councilmember Tommye Saunooke, of Painttown, became the latest recipient of North Carolina’s highest honor when she was presented with the Order of the Long Leaf Pine last month. 


Western Carolina University’s Pride of the Mountains Marching Band will be enjoying one of the best things about Thanksgiving Day — going back for a second helping.


To the Editor:

I am a product of Haywood County Schools and have two now-grown daughters who were educated in the Haywood school system. I have also taught social studies in public schools in North Carolina and Maryland.

I have been proud (most of the time) of the administration and teachers working for our children in this county, but the recent statements by Bill Nolte (interim Superintendent of Haywood County Schools) both saddened and angered me. 

Really, more folks should read the Constitution of the United States. It is quite a remarkable document and does not consist of the Second Amendment only. (And by the way: the Second Amendment addresses the necessity for a “well-regulated Militia”— a sort of National Guard — and says nothing of an individual’s right to bear arms. But that’s another letter.)

The First Amendment guarantees “the right of the people peaceably to assemble, and to petition the Government for a redress of grievances.” Lately I have written several grievances to our North Carolina representatives, but all I received for my effort was a form letter which in no way related to my questions. A majority of Americans want reasonable protections in place to prevent our children from being murdered in their classrooms, and when our legislators are ignoring us, “peaceable assembly” is a last resort.

The Haywood County Schools administration under Mr. Bill Nolte recently missed an excellent opportunity to teach students a lesson in government under our Constitution. Those who wished to walk in recognition and memory of the murdered students in Florida should not only have been allowed, but encouraged to do so; those not in agreement with the walkers would not have been forced to do so. Each group should respect the other as American citizens, expressing our rights under the Constitution. Classroom lessons and class discussions about the First Amendment and “the right of the people peaceably to assemble, and to petition the Government for a redress of grievances” could have followed, to the benefit of those who agree and those who disagree.

Again, the Constitution contains not only the Second Amendment. There are other guarantees before it, among them, freedom of speech, of the press .... oh, never mind. Google it.

Wanda Taylor



To the Editor:

We, as North Carolinians, have entered an era of restrictive practices centered around limiting our ability to decide governance. Our districts are gerrymandered in order to keep one party in power. We elected officials that insure their power by neutralizing our votes and refuse to work with each other. 

We must take action in this upcoming election. We cannot allow ourselves to stay apathetic. We cannot allow our votes to be weakened by calloused politicians who work tirelessly to ensure their own power. The 10th and 11th congressional districts need fresh blood; new perspectives that have not been jaded by the power dynamics and party squabbles. First-time candidates offer this perspective. We have a duty to research our candidates and vote for whom we believe is the best fit.

If we do not actively engage in the political system, we will only see the expansion of these power-controlling tactics. Access to healthcare; prison reform; equality regardless of gender, race or sexuality; and infrastructural repair are all important issues to me, so the candidate I will vote into the U.S. Congress is Phillip Price. You must find the right candidate for you to promote real change in our state.

Connor Ferry



To the Editor:

On March 12, 2018, at the Haywood County School Board meeting, Dr. Bill Nolte, interim superintendent, spoke to the board about the planned walkout of students related to the tragic shooting at Marjory Stoneman Douglas High School in Florida. Dr. Nolte emphasized that the event was not a political statement and was being organized in order to give students the opportunity to express themselves in honor of the victims in a safe environment. We were in the room that evening and that commitment of our school board and district staff made us proud. The student organizers were working closely with school administration to make sure the events were inclusive, focused on the issue of school security, in honor of the victims and nonpartisan. The fact that the students were putting into action the best ideals of civic engagement and peaceful demonstration was palpable proof that their public education was instilling in them the best aspects of American democracy. As we drove home, we discussed this opportunity for hands-on civics and felt proud of the partnership that would ultimately strengthen and protect our community. We thought, this is what it means to be American. 

The students at Tuscola, and presumably elsewhere in the district, took this effort upon themselves because they wanted to find a constructive way to do something in response to an incomprehensible tragedy. They saw a national issue and it felt personal enough for them to act. Unfortunately, inclement weather intervened, and those activities were canceled, but the students understood and worked instead to figure out how they could honor the victims and advocate for the safety of all students going forward.

Now imagine the surprise and profound disappointment we felt in reading the March 20 letter posted on the Haywood County School website from Dr. Nolte in which he not only undermined the students’ efforts by suggesting they were being manipulated by a “tool being applied to promote political agendas” but also invoking religious “divine intervention” that disrupted the students’ expression of grief and concern for their collective safety. These student leaders faced, at minimum, distinct social risk in organizing, and did so by working closely and productively with school administration. The students were living, in perhaps the very best way, the peaceful civic engagement and involved citizenry that their teachers ask of them, and that HCS espouses to achieve to assure the development of “well-informed, productive citizens for the future … reflective of a commitment to family and community involvement, high expectations for all students, and caring and child-centered schools.” Nolte’s statement counters that vision and sends the message that disengagement is what is really valued by the school system. What an incredibly disheartening message to send to the students, faculty, and staff. 

Dr. Brandon & Angeline Schwab



The Southern Highlands Reserve has launched a digital database to advance its ability to research native plants from its perch atop 4,500-foot Toxaway Mountain. 


Franklin-based outfitter Outdoor 76 has announced that it will open a second store, joining Motion Makers Bicycle Shop at a new location in Cherokee this May. 


The nation’s largest single-day effort to remove trash from a river will return to Western Carolina University with the 34th annual Tuck River Cleanup, 10 a.m. to 6 p.m. Saturday, April 14. 


The Haywood County Arts Council Board of Directors unanimously elected Leigh Forrester as the new executive director. She will assume the role immediately.


Lake Junaluska has received a certificate of approval from the North Carolina Department of Environmental Quality authorizing construction activity to begin on the restoration of the bridge over the dam.


Thursday, April 26 • 3:30-6:30 p.m. Ingles Markets, 684 N. Broad St., Brevard.

An increase in serious bear encounters in Panthertown Valley has led the U.S. Forest Service to recommend that backcountry campers there use bear-resistant containers and carry bear spray. 


Haywood Community College was recently named a 2017 Tree Campus USA by the Arbor Day Foundation, commemorating this accomplishment by planting a mountain silverbell tree on campus. 


To the Editor:

This letter is director to Julie Fries, news director for Channel 13 WLOS, and to Joe Fishleigh, the general manager of the station which is owned by the Sinclair Broadcasting Group. 


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