Partner content: Why is Milk Pasteurized?
Pasteurization is the process of heating raw milk to reduce the bacterial (both good/beneficial bacteria and bad/harmful bacteria) and viral load.
Partner content: Tummy Troubles?
If you’re having digestive issues, the cause may not be what you think. First, and most importantly, if you are experiencing pain or discomfort, diarrhea or constipation lasting for several days, it is important to speak to your health care provider to rule out any serious health problems and to potentially be tested for celiac disease or other illnesses.
Partner content: Avoiding ingredients
Question: If there is a long list of ingredients that sound like chemicals on a food package, should I avoid buying it?
Partner content: What Can I Do With Tofu?
Tofu is the curd (like a cheese) of soybeans and comes in different textures from soft or silken to firm and extra-firm. Tofu is a good source of plant-based protein. Soft and silken have the consistency of a Greek yogurt, while firm and extra-firm tofu are more similar to a harder cheese or chicken breast.
Partner content: Ingredient Intelligence
Did you know that ingredients are listed from most to least? What that means is that when you see the list of ingredients on a food package, the ingredients appear in the order in which the product has the most to which ingredients are in the smallest amount in the package.
Partner content: Smart Snacks
When you’re busy it’s easy to grab something like a candy bar or soda to give you a quick hit of energy, but the reality is that those types of snacks are high in sugar which won’t keep you full, satisfied or fueled for long. Some better snack ideas:
Partner content: The "Dirty Dozen" list
Question: Should I buy my fruits and vegetables based on the “Dirty Dozen” list?
Partner content: Reading List
Periodically I like to share some of the books I’ve been reading. Would love to hear what’s on your Kindle or nightstand so be sure and email me: This email address is being protected from spambots. You need JavaScript enabled to view it.
Partner content: St. Patrick’s Day Food Ideas
With St. Patrick’s Day right around the corner you may be thinking of some Irish or green colored foods or beverages to feature for a family meal or gathering….
Partner content: 3 uses for Plain Greek Yogurt
One item I often have in my fridge is plain Greek yogurt. I like it because it has no added sugars, is high in protein, a source of calcium and contains probiotics that may help with gut health.