Feng Shuiing My Son's Apartment

I drove down to Asheville recently to see my boys and to help one of them move into an apartment. I have enjoyed watching all of my boys fledge one by one into the world and into their own lives. The final step, getting their own places, has been particularly satisfying for me as I love designing spaces! I am lucky to be able to acutely feel when the energy of a room is off. It has taken me years to refine my 6th sense to locate and restore harmony to a dissonant environment.

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Becoming the Egyptian Queen

What beliefs do people have that enable them to accomplish their goals? What is the turning point or magical moment that inspires a vision to become a viable path? Can that energy be duplicated, and if so, how? I believe it can and I want to give you a few tools that can help you to turn your dream into a reality.

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The Lion's Gate Portal: The astrological event and how it affects you

The Lion’s Gate is an astrological event resulting from the Sun aligning with the star Sirius and Earth. It takes place during Leo season, opening a portal of the heightened cosmic energy of abundance. It lasts from July 28-Aug. 12, peaking on Aug. 8. This year was a more powerful year in that Aug. 8, 2024, numerically reduces to 8-8-8 (8th month, 8th day, 2024+2+0+2+4=8 year). *The number 8 numerologically is the balance between the spiritual and material world.

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Leveling up

When our kids were little, my sister had to be away for a few days and left her toddler son with me.  He is around the same age as my youngest, so adding one more boy to my four-boy brood was not a big deal.  When they dropped him off, they shared that he was a bit constipated.

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Understanding the chakras

We have several layers of energy that surround our physical body known as the auric field. This energy system holds our past, present and future.

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My Call To Adventure

In 2003 I had my gall bladder removed. It was one year following the birth of my youngest son. I was 33 years old. As an energy worker I am well aware that issues with a gallbladder are related to anger turned inward. The gallbladder is located in the solar plexus energy center, and it is where we move our energy out into the world. It’s mantra is I decidehow to direct my energy and in those days I did not feel like I could.

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What's a practical use of Feng Shui?


I woke one morning with the urge to purge. I felt compelled to declutter my bonus room. It is what I like to call a flex room. Here, things are stored, gifts are wrapped, weights are lifted, air mattresses are inflated. When we moved in, we used it for an overflow space until we could mentally deal with the items in those boxes. Now, eight months later, it is time to face the music. I ordered a few cabinets to control the chaos last fall, but since then the clutter started spilling out, creeping into the corners and climbing up the walls making that room my kryptonite.

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Splitting Prisms

Remember jumping rope on the playground? Two kids (usually tall ones) would swing the ropes setting the cadence of the game. We would study and memorize the rhythm as the ropes slapped the pavement creating a beat that we would attempt to replicate in our body. Then, just at the right moment:  ready, set, GO we would jump in!

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Personal Finance: Conquer Debt Anxiety and Take Control

Are you, like many Americans, managing debt? What kind of debt are you managing: credit cards? Loans? For some people, the experience of managing debt may be daunting. There may be physical and psychological elements involved which may impact the debt management experience.

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Be a Seeker Not a Finder

I have a son that I would categorically say is the worst finder known to man. His inability to locate items was most notable during his high school years. What started as a “buddy can you bring me…” evolved into “I will get it myself!”, with explicit instructions in between that I dare say any stranger off the street could have found in two seconds flat. But my guy? No way, no how. At first, I thought it was a ploy to keep from having to help out. But I realized over time, that he simply did not want to visualize my directions, or the missing item as his head was filled with his own ideas, something that now serves him quite well.

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