Partner content: Non-Alcoholic Beverages: Rethinking Your Drink

There seems to be more interest lately in non-alcoholic (NA) beverages.  These run the gamut from mixed drinks without alcohol…
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Partner content: Do You Know What YERBA MATE is?

The Paraguariensis tree or Paraguayan Holly, with its holly-like leaves, grows to over 26 feet in height in subtropical regions…
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Partner content: What meat is hormone-free?

Question: Which of your pork, poultry and beef products at Ingles Markets are “hormone-free”? 
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Partner content: Does milk cause mucus?

Question: Does Milk Cause Mucus When You Have a Cold? 
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Partner content: Fiber for constipation?

Question: I have been having issues with constipation and my doctor told me to get more fiber in my diet. …
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Partner content: PCOS (Polycystic Ovary Syndrome) and Sweet Snacks

Question: I have PCOS but really crave sweets like baked goods. What are some things I could eat? 
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Partner content: Zucchini: In Season – 10 Ways to Use It

It’s the time of year in the Southeast when our backyard gardens may be full of zucchinis and of course,…
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Partner content: Appetite During Cancer Treatment

There are no hard and fast rules about eating when going through cancer treatment. How someone feels is going to…
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Partner content: It’s PEACH season!

You should be seeing local and regionally grown peaches in your Ingles Markets produce section. There’s nothing quite like biting…
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Partner content: Why I like iCurbside

If you’re not familiar with iCurbside, it is the Ingles Markets on-line ordering and curbside pick up option we offer…
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Partner content: Tomato Season

We are coming into peak tomato season in the Southeast and with it comes an abundance of tomatoes in the…
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Partner content: Bananas & Diabetes

Question: I have diabetes…can I eat bananas? Answer: Yes, someone with diabetes can eat a banana. Bananas are a good…
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Partner content: Eating gluten free

Question: I don’t have celiac disease but was thinking of buying more gluten-free products, are they better/healthier for me? 
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Partner content: Food Facts — On the Color of the Egg’s Shell

The color of the egg’s shell is based on the type or breed of the hen. Some hens produce white…
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Partner content: Pizza Night

Pizza often has a bad reputation and is considered unhealthy, but if you think about it, it’s just bread with…
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Partner content: 10 Summer Snack Ideas

As both kids and parents head into summer vacation, thinking about having easy and inexpensive snacks available becomes more important: 
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Partner content: 6 Ways to Save on Your Grocery Bill at Ingles Markets

1. Get an Ingles Advantage card. This helps you save every time you buy groceries. You’ll also have fuel points…
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Partner content: Do You Need Supplements?

When we talk about vitamin, mineral or herbal supplements this is a very large category and there’s no simple “yes”…
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Partner content: Why is Milk Pasteurized?

Pasteurization is the process of heating raw milk to reduce the bacterial (both good/beneficial bacteria and bad/harmful bacteria) and viral…
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Partner content: Tummy Troubles?

If you’re having digestive issues, the cause may not be what you think.  First, and most importantly,  if you are…
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Partner content: Avoiding ingredients

Question: If there is a long list of ingredients that sound like chemicals on a food package, should I avoid…
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Partner content: What Can I Do With Tofu?

Tofu is the curd (like a cheese) of soybeans and comes in different textures from soft or silken to firm…
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Partner content: Ingredient Intelligence

Did you know that ingredients are listed from most to least?  What that means is that when you see the…
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Partner content: Smart Snacks

When you’re busy it’s easy to grab something like a candy bar or soda to give you a quick hit…
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Partner content: The "Dirty Dozen" list

Question:  Should I buy my fruits and vegetables based on the “Dirty Dozen” list? 
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Partner content: Reading List

Periodically I like to share some of the books I’ve been reading.  Would love to hear what’s on your Kindle…
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Partner content: St. Patrick’s Day Food Ideas

 With St. Patrick’s Day right around the corner you may be thinking of some Irish or green colored foods or…
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Partner content: 3 uses for Plain Greek Yogurt

One item I often have in my fridge is plain Greek yogurt. I like it because it has no added…
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Partner content: Jam and fruit spread sources with less sugar

Question: I really like having jam with my toast or biscuit in the morning but many of them seem to…
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Partner content: Are white foods bad for you?

Question: “Are white foods bad for you?” 
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Sponsored: Brown eggs vs. white eggs, any difference?

Question: Are brown eggs better or healthier than white and do they taste different? 
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Sponsored: Don't feel like cooking? You still have meal options!

Question: My mother is in her 80’s and lives alone. While generally she is very healthy and active, I worry…
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Sponsored: Familiar Favorite gets 2024 Nod

Recently I interviewed Stu Helm, podcaster and Asheville Food Tours guide, for the “Ingles Information Aisle” on News Radio 570…
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Sponsored: ‘The More You Do…the More You’re Able to Do’

I remember my mom saying this when I remarked one time on how busy and active she was even well…
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Sponsored: Sugar Sweetened Beverages (SSBs)

We tend to think of sodas when we hear ‘sugar sweetened beverages’ (SSB), but,  according to the CDC, the list…
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Sponsored: 5 Ways to Eat More Veggies

Question:  I’m really good about eating vegetables in the summer when more of them are in season locally and when…
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Sponsored: The Bonus of BEANS

One of my resolutions for 2024 is to try and incorporate more beans into our weekly meals. 
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Sponsored: Give your water some flavor

Question: I feel like I should be drinking more water, but I really don’t like plain water. Any suggestions? 
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Sponsored: New(ish) Local Products

You may have spotted some new local items in the local foods display at your Ingles Market.  (you can find…
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Sponsored: Is sea salt or iodized better for high blood pressure?

Question: Is it better for me to use a kosher or sea salt instead of regular iodized salt if I…
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Sponsored: Food gifts for the holidays

There are so many options at your local Ingles Markets to put together a fun, food themed gift for friends,…
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Sponsored: Small Changes Can Add Up

Sometimes we make big goals or pronouncement about our health or fitness that may not be realistic or achievable. Here…
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Sponsored: Need some Nutrition Know-How? Ask Leah!

Connect with me and Ingles Market to find out about events, new items at Ingles, health, food and nutrition information. 
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Sponsored: Donating What’s Needed: Food, Funds and Time

This is the time of year when many food-related charities could really use our help to assist individuals and families…
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Sponsored: Dealing with GERD

Question: My doctor has told me I have reflux and need to follow a “reflux diet” but I don’t know…
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Sponsored: SUPERMARKET MYTH #1: Shop the Perimeter of the Store for “Healthy Food”

Fact: Nutritious and economical items can be found throughout the store.
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Sponsored: Fiber: The Forgotten Part of Food

Fiber, most of us forget about it and most of us definitely don’t get enough of it! Fiber is found…
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Sponsored: Fueling for Trips

Whether you’re going for a short or long hike or on a day or multi-day road trip; planning on taking…
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Sponsored: Fall foods

As we move from fall into winter and cooler temperatures it’s always fun to start adding more seasonal foods and…
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Sponsored: Food: keeping it positive for kids

Our children and even our grandchildren are always watching and listening to what we say and do.
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