Sponsored: Looking for Local at Ingles Markets

Once the weather starts to cool down and fall makes an appearance; you may think that you can no longer…
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Sponsored: Low-carb snack ideas

Q: What are some snack ideas for things I could eat that are low in carbohydrates and lower in sodium?
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Sponsored: Can-tastic: Enjoying Canned Foods

Recently I attended a webinar sponsored by a company that specializes in canned fruits and vegetables. I got a chance…
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Sponsored: Loss of Smell (and taste)

These days we are aware that one of the symptoms of Covid19 for many people is a loss of smell…
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Sponsored: Omega 3's and Fish

There is a lot of talk about the  benefits of omega 3's when it comes our brains and cognitive health.…
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Sponsored: Long term effects of Food Poisoning

You’ll often hear dietitians and public health officials talk about food safety: 
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Sponsored: Do vitamins and supplements help prevent COVID-19?

Q: Are there vitamin or herbal supplements I should be taking to prevent Covid19 or to boost my immune system?
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Sponsored: Frozen meals for diabetics

Q: Would you recommend frozen meals for someone with diabetes? 
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Sponsored: Meat allergies

Q: Is it possible to be allergic to meat? 
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Sponsored: Are seed oils bad to use?

Q: Are “seed oils” bad to use? 
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Sponsored: Need a pureed or mostly liquid temporary diet?

Q: I need to have some oral surgery and will need to be on a diet that is mostly liquids for…
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Sponsored: Added sugar in bread

Q: If someone has pre-diabetes (borderline diabetes) is it safe to eat breads with no added sugar? 
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Sponsored: Nu-trish milk

Q: What is the difference between the Laura Lynn "Nu-trish" milk and the Laura Lynn regular 1% milk? 
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Sponsored: Disappearing items

Q: I was buying this item at Ingles and suddenly it has disappeared! What happened to it?
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Sponsored: Lactation cookies

Q: Do "lactation cookies" work?
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Sponsored: Pickle trivia

How’s your pickle knowledge?
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Sponsored: Leah McGrath, RDN, LDN

 Leah McGrath, RDN, LDN is the Corporate Dietitian for Ingles Markets. She can answer your questions about food from the…
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Sponsored: Does local honey relieve seasonal allergies?

Q: Should I be buying local honey to prevent or relieve seasonal allergies?
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Sponsored: Produce Picks-try something new!

Are you a creature of habit when it comes to buying produce? How about trying some new/different items! 
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Sponsored: Food Fears vs Food Facts

There's a lot of information as well as misinformation about food and nutrition these days. It can definitely get confusing. 
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Sponsored: Try something new

Fruits & Vegetables at Ingles Markets
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Sponsored: Nutrient Dense versus Calorie Dense

Have you heard the term "nutrient dense"? This often means something very different than calorie dense.
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Sponsored: Keto-friendly foods

Q: What are some “keto-friendly” foods that Ingles sells? 
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Sponsored: Caution with supplements

Often we hear that different vitamin, mineral and herbal supplements may help with everything from our skin elasticity to gut…
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Sponsored: Is a low-carb diet safe?

Do you think a low or no carbohydrate diet is safe?
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Sponsored: Do herbal teas help with weight gain?

Q: Are there herbal teas that I could drink that will help with weight gain during pre-menopause or menopause?
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Sponsored: Recipe sources

Q: I am looking for recipes to share with seniors through the community center, do you have any suggestions? 
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Sponsored: Cottage Cheese — An Overlooked Star of Dairy?

Let’s take a look at one of the top protein performers in the dairy section.
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Sponsored: Low-sugar beverages

Question: What are some beverage suggestions for someone who has pre-diabetes or is trying to watch their carbohydrates/added sugar?
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Sponsored: Eating Vegetables

As a nation we are still doing a really poor job at eating our vegetables. Many of us don't even…
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Sponsored: "A Chicken in Every Pot"

The phrase, 'A chicken in every pot' has been associated with food security for almost a hundred years, and perhaps…
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Sponsored: Snack ideas for those with diabetes

Question: What are some snack ideas for someone with diabetes?
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Sponsored: Cold-pressed juices and weight loss

Question: Will drinking cold-pressed juices help me lose weight?
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Sponsored: Why they're "treat" and not "cheat" foods

Recently I got asked what are my "cheat" foods. I'm not a fan of using the word "cheat" when it…
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Sponsored: Gain weight the healthy way

Question: What are some foods to eat that can help me gain weight in a healthy way?
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Sponsored: Clean foods

Question: What does it mean when a product is advertised as "clean"?
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Sponsored: Ancient grains

Question: What are "ancient grains" and are they better for me if I have celiac disease?
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Sponsored: Food Trends to Look for in 2021

Packaging: Family-size vs personal grab-n-go - For many years we had seen the rise in "grab-n-go" beverages and personal size…
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Sponsored: Diabetic-friendly desserts

Question: What are some desserts I could serve to someone with diabetes?
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Sponsored: Sugar alcohol

Question: What is a 'sugar alcohol'? I see this listed on some sugar-free items I buy
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Sponsored: Effectiveness of apple cider vinegar

Question: Will drinking Apple Cider Vinegar help me lose weight or help control my diabetes? 
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Sponsored: What does it take to be a dietitian?

Question: What Does it take to be a Dietitian? 
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Sponsored: Celiac disease and gluten sensitivity

Question: What’s the difference between celiac disease and gluten sensitivity? 
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Sponsored: What to do with a can of cranberry sauce

Like many of you I bought some extra cans of whole berry cranberry sauce at my Ingles Market. So then…
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Sponsored: Are brown eggs healthier?

Question: My friend thinks that brown eggs are better for her. Is that true?
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Sponsored: Uses for canned pumpkin

Question: What Can you do with a Can of Pumpkin?
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Sponsored: Prediabetes

Question: My doctor has told me I have "prediabetes" - what does this mean?
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Sponsored: How to Remain a "free-range" Older Adult

As we age many of us want to remain independent ("free-range") and healthy for as long as possible. Our nutritional …
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Sponsored: What should I look at on the Nutrition Facts panel?

The first thing you should pay attention to on the Nutrition Facts panel (the black and white panel on the…
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Sponsored: Halloween treats

For fun Halloween treats and more, visit ingles-markets.com/recipes.
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