Sponsored: Why they're "treat" and not "cheat" foods
Recently I got asked what are my "cheat" foods. I'm not a fan of using the word "cheat" when it comes to food; it makes me think of being sneaky by eating "bad" foods. Words matter.
Sponsored: Gain weight the healthy way
Question: What are some foods to eat that can help me gain weight in a healthy way?
Sponsored: Clean foods
Question: What does it mean when a product is advertised as "clean"?
Sponsored: Ancient grains
Question: What are "ancient grains" and are they better for me if I have celiac disease?
Sponsored: Food Trends to Look for in 2021
Packaging: Family-size vs personal grab-n-go - For many years we had seen the rise in "grab-n-go" beverages and personal size convenient to carry snack and food items. With "stay at home" and work at home becoming more commonplace during the pandemic, the popularity of family size packaging has reemerged as the shopper's choice.
Sponsored: Diabetic-friendly desserts
Question: What are some desserts I could serve to someone with diabetes?
Sponsored: Sugar alcohol
Question: What is a 'sugar alcohol'? I see this listed on some sugar-free items I buy
Sponsored: Effectiveness of apple cider vinegar
Question: Will drinking Apple Cider Vinegar help me lose weight or help control my diabetes?
Sponsored: What does it take to be a dietitian?
Question: What Does it take to be a Dietitian?
Sponsored: Celiac disease and gluten sensitivity
Question: What’s the difference between celiac disease and gluten sensitivity?