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By Joe Hooten

Scene: A Friday night, Firebirds and Camaros fill a Main Street parking lot after the big high school football game, teenagers are mingling and celebrating human nature, speakers are pumping a thunderous noise. A distinctively 70s-era riff rumbles in the crisp evening air with vocals that seem as if Manfred Mann, Billy Idol, and Sly Stallone had control of a microphone at the same time. Kids begin to hoot and holler as the song comes to an end. There’s an obvious affinity for the music. This isn’t a scene from “Dazed and Confused,” this is the mental picture provoked by the music from the retro-rock band, Diamond Nights.


By Sarah Kucharski • Staff Writer

This Friday (Dec. 2) marks the close of what Waynesville Gallery Association chairman David Erickson has called an “off the top of the charts” Art After Dark season.


By Sarah Kucharski • Staff Writer

On a cold, grey Sunday afternoon just before Thanksgiving, Polly Smith sits behind the register counter at Outer Spaces Gallery in Waynesville wrapped in a sweater, not too far from the store’s gas fireplace.


Graham Greene

Recently I have begun revisiting authors I read back in my 20’s — Thomas Wolfe, Hemingway, Faulkner, some of the Russian greats, and Graham Greene. Greene in particular hits home with me in his handling of moral dilemmas and the complexities of the human heart. In The End of the Affair, for example, Greene gives us Maurice Bendrix, a writer in World War II London whose affair with a married woman has ended badly. Jealous and angry, Bendrix hires a detective to see if Sarah has taken other men, only to discover that the she has given herself to the greatest lover in the universe. Greene’s twisted prose and self-doubts should appeal to all who have either entered or emerged from Dante’s dark forest of middle age.


By Sarah Kucharski • Staff Writer

The state’s water, wastewater and stormwater systems are faced with $6.8 billion in capital improvement needs, a figure that is expected to reach $16.5 billion by 2030, according to a new study released by the North Carolina Rural Center.


By Major Gen. Geoffrey B. Higginbotham

In 1998, while serving as a Marine Corps Bases Commander in Japan, I had the opportunity to brief Rep. John Murtha, D-Pennsylvania, on Pacific Rim political and military issues. I was very impressed with Congressman Murtha because of his Marine Corps background as a decorated Vietnam War veteran, where he received two Purple Hearts and a Bronze Star. He has the distinction of being the first Vietnam War veteran to be elected to Congress. He is also the ranking member of the Defense Appropriations Subcommittee and is considered to be a conservative Democrat.


ingles dietitianQUESTION: What’s the difference between a “dietitian” and a “nutritionist?”

ANSWER: Great question, especially since it's National Nutrition Month! I am technically a “Registered Dietitian Nutritionist”.  A person who has this title must:

By Michael Beadle

It’s 26 degrees on a November morning, and Jamie Tidmore has just finished another whitewater kayaking run at the Nantahala Outdoor Center in Wesser.


By Lee Shelton • Guest Columnist

There has been much discussion about attracting more motorcyclists and motorcycle rallies to the Maggie Valley area as part of the tourism efforts. I understand that the TDA recently committed funds to this endeavor. This comes against the backdrop of complaints by county residents about motorcycle rallies — primarily concerning the noise and congestion — and the rebuttal, by supporters, which are most often focused on asserting that “good people” ride motorcycles, and they raise money for charities.


By Bill Nolte • Guest Columnist

Last week I was providing my ongoing parental taxi service. I can’t remember if we were rushing to soccer practice or Wednesday night church activities or wherever. From the back seat one of the kids said, “Daddy, why do some people have really good houses and some people have really bad houses?” As I looked out of the window, I saw what the kids were seeing. New or well maintained homes with beautiful landscaping and homes with peeling paint, broken windows and unkempt yards. The amazing thing was that these homes were not in different neighborhoods or communities. Sometimes only a row of trees or a pasture separated these homes.


By John Edwards • Guest Columnist

Positive planning by developers, government officials and local citizens could be of great benefit in dealing with the rapid growth taking place in southern Jackson County.


Bryson City leaders avoided the temptation to sell off their watershed land for development, instead opting to follow through with an earlier commitment to conserve the pristine property. It was the right decision and one that will pay a long-term benefit for town residents and all of Swain County.


By Sarah Kucharski • Staff Writer

Jewelry artist Debbie Higdon makes what she likes to wear — handmade pieces, created from twisted and soldered silver wires and cut silver sheets.


By Chris Cooper

The G3 tours are a traveling celebration of the virtuoso rock guitarist. Joe Satriani developed the concept of G3 in reaction to his sense of isolation from other artists in his genre.


By Michael Beadle

It was Chet Atkins who really put the hook in Larry Watson. Atkins had that masterful style of finger-picking on the guitar Watson saw one night on “The Jimmy Dean Show” back in the 1960s while growing up in Canton.


Here’s the deal. I’m not going to be “recommending” anything in this installment of “Diversions.” I’m just going to tell a story about Wednesday, Nov.16, 2005 — starting right around noonish.


Jackson County commissioners are weighing the merits of several municipal grant applications that will allocate a total of up to $20,000 for projects across the county.

The purpose of the municipal grant program is to assist the municipalities of the county with the implementation of worthy projects that will directly benefit not only the citizens of the town but all of Jackson County.

Applications were received in October, and commissioners were supposed to make a decision about awards this month. However, that decision has been delayed until January to give commissioners more time to review each application.

The Village of Forest Hills applied for an amount unlisted on their application to go toward an entrance at the intersection of North Country Club Drive and Highway 107. The entrance is designed to feature four-foot high stone walls, back-lit lettering, landscaping, and a sidewalk to one day hook in to the county’s greenway.


As industry experts warn of a worsening international shortage of construction professionals, Western Carolina University and one of the nation’s largest personnel recruiting firms are teaming up to boost the number of college graduates prepared for management positions in the construction industry.


Denver Blaylock has been prodded by enforcers for seven years to meet Haywood County’s junkyard ordinance. The sprawling complex houses numerous lots piled high with used vehicles, appliances, parts cars, and just plain parts, as well as storage lots for cars hauled in by Blaylock’s family wrecker business.


Local biologist and aquatic scientist Bill McLarney agreed with the Wildlife Commission’s revised recommendations to allow stream work, but for an unusual reason — the trout population, at least in Peeks Creek, is gone.


By Sarah Kucharski • Staff Writer

Streambank restoration along Peeks Creek in Macon County, where a massive landslide killed six residents following back-to-back hurricanes in September 2004, is on hold as county officials wait to hear if they will receive funds to do the project after missing initial application deadlines.



Our local ski mountain is just plain fun. My family enjoys nothing better than to make the trek through Maggie Valley and then up to the high-elevation resort for a few hours of skiing and snowboarding. On clear days with the sky a brilliant blue, the scenery is every bit as good as the skiing. As locals we can choose when to go and avoid the rush of out-of-towners. Truth is you don’t have to like winter sports to enjoy Cataloochee in the winter. There are plenty of places where tykes can play in the snow. The lodge has a fine little bar with a television for sports nuts, a fireplace, and plenty of food. The deck area outside overlooks the slopes and allow picnics if you want to bring your own sandwiches. Just go.


Real Christmas trees

My family is still sold on real trees. They’re messy and heavy, and I could better use the hours I’ve spent making trunks fit in tree stands, but when you add it all up it’s definitely worth the trouble. Our annual trek to Nesbitt’s Tree Farm is a much-anticipated event. There are other farms in Haywood and Jackson counties, and if you’ve never visited one I would encourage it. There are also plenty of lots to choose from. Once the tree is in the house, visitors never fail to comment on the smell of the fresh fraser fir. It just smells like Christmas.


Power outages

I’m not actually recommending this to any one, but as long as it’s short and not too cold, there is something exhilarating about living for a few hours without the wonders of the light bulb, heater, refrigerator and even toilet. We’ve suffered through two short outages in the last few weeks, sending us scrambling for candles and flashlights. These power interruptions led to extended dinners, card games, good conversation and an exaggerated awareness of all five of the senses. As I said, it’s all fun and games in short doses, but I don’t know how they did it in the old days.


Good coffee

There’s coffee, and then there’s coffee. I’m addicted and need it all the time, so for the most part I go for the drab stuff. Lately, though, I’ve let my guard down and taken to buying steaming lattes and mochas and all the froo-froo concoctions available at our local coffee houses. It’s opened up a whole new world of caffeine. I don’t know where this is going to lead, but I’m a little worried. This could get expensive.

— Scott McLeod


By Joe Hooten

The Roaring ‘20s ushered in an era of looseness, flair, and simplistic decadence that would quickly diminish once the big crash and the Great Depression set in. For every drop of liquor that was poured out during Prohibition, bootleggers would smuggle in 10 more, giving organized crime a mission and reason to exist.


By Sarah Kucharski • Staff Writer

David Cozzo, director of the Revitalization of Traditional Cherokee Artisan Resources project, stands on a small stage in the Mountain Heritage Center at Western Carolina University in front of a crowd of about 15 middle-aged audience members.


By Michael Beadle

Sometimes John Grant sees a bear inside a rough block of soapstone. Sometimes he sees a buffalo or an eagle.


By Sarah Kucharski • Staff Writer

Translating the economic impact of Jackson County’s landfill gas recovery project into dollars and cents may prove harder than expected.


Five Jackson County women were given the Governor’s Award for Outstanding Volunteer Service during a recent awards luncheon in Sylva. These winners were Mary Adams, Joyce Cooper, Margie Hall, Stella Hall and Elaine White.


The Friends of the Macon County Library have received a $200,000 pledge of support from The Janirve Foundation of Asheville.


The Waynesville Main Street Historic District has been accepted to be on the National Register of Historic Places.


By Sarah Kucharski • Staff Writer

A recent statement that Cashiers area residents will be footing the majority of the bill to build a new library in Jackson County and that construction of a less expensive, joint library with Southwestern Community College is still an option is misleading, county leaders say.


About this time each year, when the days and tempers get short and the traffic lines get long — when I begin to see people trudging wearily in and out of stores and shopping malls — I think about the Grinch Club. I start fantasizing about an imaginary organization founded in honor of that nasty, green fellow who stole Xmas — which is not a bad idea. For thousands of people like me who exist in the lower economic strata of this country, Mr. Grinch could become a folk hero — a creep that had the moxie to speak for us all.


By Kirk Adcock • Guest Columnist

I would first like to thank Gen. Geoffrey Higgenbotham (“Playing politics at the expense of our soldiers,” Nov. 30, Smoky Mountain News) for his long and distinguished service to our country. I very much respect the sacrifices he has made so that our country can remain free. I would also like to thank the general for clearly helping me to grasp and understand why the founding fathers wanted our country governed by ordinary citizens, with our commander in chief being the president rather than an Army officer.


Editor’s note: This article was written by Mallory Martin and Carl Kittel of the North Carolina Wildlife Resources Commission. Martin is the Mountain Region Fisheries Supervisor. Kittel is the Coldwater Production Coordinator.


Those sporting the trendy turquoise and pink Great Smoky Mountains National Park license plates on their bumpers raised $181,800 this year for projects sponsored by the Friends of Smokies, making 2005 the most productive year yet for the specialty license plates.


By Michael Beadle

Laura Boosinger was a student at Warren Wilson College in Swannanoa in the late 1970s when she decided to take a banjo class for a college credit.


The Land Trust for the Little Tennessee was recently awarded a portion of a $200,000 grant from the North Carolina Tobacco Trust Fund Commission.


By Chris Cooper

If you didn’t know already, Jamie Cullum is that kid who was on Pay-Per-View last summer. It was a “freeview” concert, I think, during which he ran around like a complete nut on a huge stage, before an equally large crowd, in front of a gigantic English castle somewhere.


Christmas shopping

Granted it’s four days before Christmas and those of you that haven’t yet gotten your shopping done are most likely in the throes of anxiety, making a mad dash to get something – anything – for your loved ones. That, or you just don’t care period, and everyone’s getting slipper socks this year. That’s OK.


By Michael Beadle

The Haywood Arts Regional Theatre will probably have to rebuild its box office and concession stand after a pipe burst earlier this month, flooding the floors of the lobby, auditorium and lower-level rooms of the Performing Arts Center in Waynesville.


By Sarah Kucharski • Staff Writer

Approximately 80 workers will be laid off from Cashier’s Consolidated Metco plastics plant beginning in January in the largest downsizing in Jackson County since the Ashley Company furniture plant closed in 2002.


By Sarah Kucharski • Staff Writer

Repairs along a section of trail on the Little Tennessee Greenway in Macon County damaged by hurricane flooding have been completed and the trail reopened for use, marking the end of a successful season for Friends of the Greenway.


An effort to install wireless Internet service throughout Downtown Waynesville is making a year-end push for donations.


By Jason Kimenker • Guest Columnist

Winter has arrived, and the holiday season is in full swing. Wonderful and warm traditions of family and community bring us together in this cherished season.


It’s not always about the money, at least not at first. That’s a point to keep in mind as the methane gas recovery project in Jackson County continues to move forward.


Residents of Western North Carolina confronted many important issues in 2005, whether it was another chapter unfolding in an ongoing political feud or deep philosophical challenges like balancing growth and preservation. As we wrote about these events, the common thread was the human element, people trying to come to grips with change while holding onto what’s important. We searched our archives and retrieved some of the more interesting quotes from the stories of the past year.


Outdoor recreation and the environment go hand in hand. Paddlers like clean rivers, hikers prefer old-growth forests over those that have been logged, road bikers generally disapprove of red alert ozone days and fishermen hate it when the property adjacent to their favorite fishing hole turns into a gated community.


Nature’s lessons

A $105,000 grant from North Carolina’s GlaxoSmithKline Foundation to Friends of the Smokies will connect several hundred teachers in North Carolina with the resources of the Great Smoky Mountains National Park over the next four years.


The world of outdoor recreation had several milestones this year, especially in the whitewater arena.


For the past two years the Smoky Mountain News has culled Top 10 Albums of the Year lists from avid music listeners across our coverage area — a task both challenging and educational.


By Joe Hooten

Throughout the 1700s, immigrants from European nations began pouring into the 13 colonies with dreams that were as unique as the people themselves, they fanned out all across the eastern seaboard and eventually made their way into the backcountry of our great state.


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